Registered by bortis

The project is trying to define a new SVG+XML based interchange format for electronic design automation systems. The first final defined specification will contain a file format specification for schematic, layout, footprint and component files. The layout and footprint definitions will use a similar definition as described in IPC-2581 for easy transformation. As production output format we will use the xml based and in IPC-2581 described xml based 258X files. In addition we plan to develop a 258X-to-gerber converter to ensure compatibility with the older gerber formats.

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Not yet selected
Other/Open Source
(The blueprints and documentation will be licensed under "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License". For the converter we will either use the BSD or GNU LGPL license, but this is open for discussion.)

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
xml, svg, vala

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