Registered by Matt Wilkie

DS Mapbook is a developer sample for ESRI's ArcMap which simplifies the generation of map series. Mapbook allows the creation of multiple maps from a single ArcMap .mxd file. Map series can be tiled like USGS or NTS quadrangles, discontinuous (e.g. lakes of the Yukon), or in strips (e.g. following a road).

The ArcMap Mapbook Project shortname arcmapbook, is an open source and volunteer effort to extend, enhance, and fix the bugs in the developer sample. The project itself is still in it's early stages. All we've accomplished to this point is to put the code for the last four releases into a version control repository (svn) and collect some ideas of the first set of bugs and enhancements to tackle.

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Matt Wilkie
Not yet selected
Simplified BSD Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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