
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
Arista Transcoder 1.0 stable None not yet released Final 1.0 release with all major planned features implemented. At this point ...
Arista Transcoder 0.9.7 trunk None
Arista Transcoder 0.9 stable None
Arista Transcoder 0.9.5 stable 2010-06-12
Arista Transcoder stable 2010-05-30
Arista Transcoder 0.9.4 stable 2010-05-29
Arista Transcoder 0.9.3 stable 2009-07-19
Arista Transcoder 0.9.2 "Back in the game" stable 2009-06-25 Bugfix release of stable branch.
Arista Transcoder 0.9.1 stable 2009-05-03 Bugfix and translation update release for the stable series.