Registered by Willie Victor Koomson

AudOrg is a project that I, Willie Koomson, started in order to polish my python skills. It [will] feature: renaming/moving music by tags, deleting empty directories, and finding tags for songs. This project is so far in its infancy.

AudOrg is a project that I, Willie Koomson, started in order to polish my python skills. It [will] feature: renaming/moving music by tags, deleting empty directories, and finding tags for songs. This project is so far in its infancy. I plan to implement it using the gtk3 toolkit. So far it has several unimplemented features and several bugs that are currently being worked upon.

Project information

Willie Victor Koomson
Not yet selected
Simplified BSD Licence, MIT / X / Expat Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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