Registered by Trevor Currie

This code is a Burridge-Knopoff model of a fault - a discrete representation with masses subject to lateral forces from friction and springs.

Motivated by a desire to understand the role of friction in the stress fields on an interface, this model uses a lattice of masses interconnected to springs that subject to a continual loading. They are each locked in place until a frictional threshold is overcome; complex dynamics then propagate through the system from the interaction of the friction law, inertia and spring forces before coming to rest again. This software simulates as many of these cycles as desired.

Active Work Includes:
*Improve I/O capabilities
*Experimentation with spring types and friction laws
*Analysis of stress and slip distributions
*Parallelization with POSIX threads, OpenMPI, and/or a hybrid solution

Future Work may include:
*Utilize the computational power of GPU clusters.

This project is part of active research with Thomas Heaton at California Institute of Technology.

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Trevor Currie
Not yet selected
Open Software Licence v 3.0

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