Diagnose the boot of your computer.
Creates a report about your boot environment. This can help diagnose boot issues, and find the best solution.
The report is created either in text mode, or in a pastebin URL for easier sharing with people who help you.
View full history Series and milestones
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trunk series is the current focus of development.
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #1865378: Can't use glade2script on 20.04 (glade2script-python3 error)
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Bug #1785812: boot-info blocks when trying to read LUKS partition
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Bug #1750613: boot-info does not list the contents of EFI partion on mmc devices
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Bug #1713313: Unable to launch pkexec'ed applications on Wayland session
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Bug #1719537: boot-info forgets to list the contents of certain files