Registered by Terpsichore

Please note: Choreographics has moved to Google Code for hosting:

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Create dance animations of original choreography, or material you need to archive. Unlike video, Choreographics builds on the powerful 3D graphics software Blender to allow you to see choreography from any angle, from close up or far away. Make a beautifully detailed animation or just plan floor patterns quickly and efficiently. Comes with a library of ballet movement.

Currently working on concept, basic functionality and the ballet movement library. See "Blueprints."

Seeking team members who would like to contribute in the following areas:
1. BEAUTIFICATION -- Make models look better, add a stage, lighting, costume options etc.
2. INTERFACE SIMPLICITY -- Use your Python expertise to simplify the default Blender interface to the point where the average dance teacher could learn to use a basic set of Choreographics functions in less than an hour.

Once we have a working and easy-to-use add-on, we'll start launching by asking for inclusion in Blender's repository of add-ons.

To my knowledge, the only similar software out there is Lifeforms, which costs over $300 and produces results that look primitive compared to what Blender is capable of.

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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