Aaron Bentley
A tool to schedule Jenkins jobs for Juju, to support the release process.
This tool will prepare releases for new revisions, then run tests on them, re-running tests in case of intermittant failure.
Project information
- Maintainer:
- Juju Release Engineering
- Driver:
- Aaron Bentley
- Licence:
(Copyright Canonical)
- Commercial subscription expires 2024-02-24
- This project’s licence is proprietary.
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trunk series is the current focus of development.
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #1660772: jobs that lose ci-director stanzas cause infinite builds
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Bug #1633949: build-win-client trying to access .tar.gz before it's complete
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Bug #1617408: start-builds and update-outcome are vulnerable to out-of-disk
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Bug #1609856: update-outcome and start-builds do not log exceptions
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Bug #1609145: Would be nice to know commit date