Registered by Prakash Ramchandran

Cloudlet can be viewed as a Infrastructural service that enables mobile device to access cloudlet service run in the edge clouds. This helps service to be offered by Cloudlet closer to mobile device. The Cloudlet on edge cloud maintains soft state , plus mobile device can connect and maintain context at its end without depending on edge cloud state management. This offers latency optimized distributed service for multimedia interactive applications/services such as augmented reality, vehicular , wearable , face & speech recognition applications

The cloudlet service is throgh an VM (container) to provide fast provision at edge cloud (cloudlet). A cloud based container termed cloudlet has Base-Image (or B-Image VM or container) in front of a public and private service cloud. This is done with per-configured custom image build like an 8 MB qcow2 bootbale disk image. Once this bootable image is available all one needs is the run-time memory image of coludlet application that needs to be inserted at a relative offset as overlay with customizable chunks of binary delta images (δ-Image). This is just a synthesis of disk and ram images and thus it is independent of operating system linux or windows or freebsd. This fast Cloudlet VM Synthesis based Rapid provisioning helps move cloud application closer to node at the edge cloud or edge node (call it Cloudlet) for low latency interactive and multi-media applications that are creating demand for future generation of human cognitive applications. Thus a Mobile Device can discover Cloudlet at the edge cloud and the application can move along the different Cloudedge(s) as the Subscriber moves using a technology called adaptive VM handoff which passes the state changes (δ-Image) across to next edge where it can be rapidly re-provisioned for low latency access needed for class of applications called tactile applications.

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Prakash Ramchandran
Prakash Ramchandran
Apache Licence

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