congress kilo-3

Milestone information

Tim Hinrichs
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12 Aaron Rosen, 5 Abhishek Chanda, 1 Alexander Yip, 10 Amey Bhide, 1 Armando Migliaccio, 2 Janet Yu, 2 Kishan Thomas, 6 Lianhao Lu, 5 Madhu Mohan Nelemane, 1 Prajakta, 1 Qiming Teng, 1 Roey Chen, 14 Samta Rangare, 1 Sean Roberts, 1 Srinivasa Rao Ragolu, 6 Tim Hinrichs, 7 Zhenzan Zhou
5 Implemented
90 Fix Released

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5 blueprints and 90 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Policy creation in Horizon Policy creation in Horizon 5 Essential Janet Yu  11 Implemented
Add action execution interface Add action execution interface 4 High Kishan Thomas  11 Implemented
Explicit reactive enforcement Explicit reactive enforcement 4 High Kishan Thomas  11 Implemented
Policy engine triggers Policy engine triggers 4 High Zhenzan Zhou  11 Implemented
api-configurable-datasources api-configurable-datasources 1 Undefined Aaron Rosen  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1426139 #1426139 Fail to reload rules after restart 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1368462 #1368462 python client doesn't surface errors 3 High Zhenzan Zhou  10 Fix Released
1413793 #1413793 Simulate computes improper result with action description 3 High Tim Hinrichs  10 Fix Released
1421305 #1421305 Devstack install 3 High Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1426193 #1426193 Datalog column references should not be resolved at compile-time 3 High Tim Hinrichs  10 Fix Released
1435592 #1435592 Restart fails with column references in rules 3 High Tim Hinrichs  10 Fix Released
1344475 #1344475 Datasource drivers do not send proper deltas 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1375463 #1375463 500 error returned on invalid table name 4 Medium Samta Rangare  10 Fix Released
1376462 #1376462 nova floating_ips table doesn't seem to get populated 4 Medium Zhenzan Zhou  10 Fix Released
1378133 #1378133 Add tempest code coverage for ceilometer driver 4 Medium Amey Bhide  10 Fix Released
1379565 #1379565 Large blocks of text are difficult to read in Horizon 4 Medium Janet Yu  10 Fix Released
1381043 #1381043 test_startup sometimes fails 4 Medium Tim Hinrichs  10 Fix Released
1381044 #1381044 test_policy_subscriptions sometimes fails. 4 Medium Tim Hinrichs  10 Fix Released
1381917 #1381917 test_policy_tables sometimes fails 4 Medium Tim Hinrichs  10 Fix Released
1382351 #1382351 Tempest test for cinder datasource driver 4 Medium Samta Rangare  10 Fix Released
1393123 #1393123 Congress Logs shows admin password information 4 Medium Zhenzan Zhou  10 Fix Released
1410938 #1410938 make TestDataSourceDriverConfig test all drivers 4 Medium Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1418768 #1418768 Add 'simulate' to docs 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1423072 #1423072 devstack localrc instructions leave out permissions change 4 Medium Sean Roberts  10 Fix Released
1433745 #1433745 Rule creation with congress_noauth fails 4 Medium Amey Bhide  10 Fix Released
1435991 #1435991 Policy engine trigger inexpressiveness 4 Medium Madhu Mohan Nelemane  10 Fix Released
1436151 #1436151 Should reject rules inserted into datasource driver policies 4 Medium Zhenzan Zhou  10 Fix Released
1339814 #1339814 Circular import in policy/test code 5 Low Madhu Mohan Nelemane  10 Fix Released
1359448 #1359448 API: get_items() on non-existent collections does not return 404 5 Low Samta Rangare  10 Fix Released
1376479 #1376479 Add tempest code coverage for keystone driver 5 Low Amey Bhide  10 Fix Released
1387209 #1387209 Parser files not checked into repo 5 Low   10 Fix Released
1404975 #1404975 Break apart 5 Low   10 Fix Released
1404977 #1404977 Pull experimental code out of 5 Low Amey Bhide  10 Fix Released
1415201 #1415201 Make obey private method convention 5 Low Madhu Mohan Nelemane  10 Fix Released
1415202 #1415202 Make obey private method convention 5 Low Amey Bhide  10 Fix Released
1415204 #1415204 Make obey private method convention 5 Low Prajakta  10 Fix Released
1415212 #1415212 Collect exception definitions into one place 5 Low Amey Bhide  10 Fix Released
1446411 #1446411 Properly use _ in tests 5 Low Amey Bhide  10 Fix Released
1387652 #1387652 Enable E113 check unexpected indentation 1 Undecided Roey Chen  10 Fix Released
1388967 #1388967 ceilometer driver doesn't adapt new datasource interface 1 Undecided Madhu Mohan Nelemane  10 Fix Released
1392556 #1392556 missing database section in congress.conf 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1392561 #1392561 retry detector not waiting long enough 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1393214 #1393214 Congress Rules are not going through runtime after reload 1 Undecided Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1393417 #1393417 Update document for currently supported drivers 1 Undecided Samta Rangare  10 Fix Released
1393577 #1393577 missing checks for duplicate tables between translators 1 Undecided Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1393933 #1393933 swift driver has unbound variables 1 Undecided Srinivasa Rao Ragolu  10 Fix Released
1394042 #1394042 docstring references selection-type but its really selector-type 1 Undecided Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1394319 #1394319 Postgre does not work as a backend with congress 1 Undecided Armando Migliaccio  10 Fix Released
1394781 #1394781 passing wrong args to log in runtime 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1395119 #1395119 allow congress to run with no datasources 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1396969 #1396969 gettext install is breaking py34 gate 1 Undecided Qiming Teng  10 Fix Released
1398538 #1398538 Enable: E125 continuation line does not distinguish itself from next logical line 1 Undecided Lianhao Lu  10 Fix Released
1398539 #1398539 Enable: E126 continuation line over-indented for hanging indent 1 Undecided Lianhao Lu  10 Fix Released
1398540 #1398540 Enable: E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent 1 Undecided Samta Rangare  10 Fix Released
1398542 #1398542 Enable: E129 visually indented line with same indent as next logical line 1 Undecided Samta Rangare  10 Fix Released
1398543 #1398543 Enable: E251 unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals 1 Undecided Samta Rangare  10 Fix Released
1398545 #1398545 Enable: E713 test for membership should be ‘not in’ 1 Undecided Samta Rangare  10 Fix Released
1398547 #1398547 Enable: F402 import module shadowed by loop variable 1 Undecided Samta Rangare  10 Fix Released
1398548 #1398548 Enable: F811 redefinition of unused variable 1 Undecided Amey Bhide  10 Fix Released
1398549 #1398549 Enable: F812 list comprehension redefines name from line 1 Undecided Amey Bhide  10 Fix Released
1398550 #1398550 Enable: H237 module is removed in Python 3 1 Undecided Lianhao Lu  10 Fix Released
1398551 #1398551 Enable: H305 imports not grouped correctly 1 Undecided Samta Rangare  10 Fix Released
1398552 #1398552 Enable: H307 like imports should be grouped together 1 Undecided Samta Rangare  10 Fix Released
1398553 #1398553 Enable: H401 docstring should not start with a space 1 Undecided Samta Rangare  10 Fix Released
1398554 #1398554 Enable: H405 multi line docstring summary not separated with an empty line 1 Undecided Lianhao Lu  10 Fix Released
1398555 #1398555 Enable: H904 Wrap long lines in parentheses instead of a backslash 1 Undecided Madhu Mohan Nelemane  10 Fix Released
1398556 #1398556 Enable: H404 multi line docstring should start with a summary 1 Undecided Abhishek Chanda  10 Fix Released
1398557 #1398557 Enable: H231 Python 3.x incompatible 1 Undecided Abhishek Chanda  10 Fix Released
1398558 #1398558 Enable: E122 continuation line missing indentation or outdented 1 Undecided Samta Rangare  10 Fix Released
1398638 #1398638 replace CatchErrorsMiddleware() with oslo.middleware.CatchErrors 1 Undecided Abhishek Chanda  10 Fix Released
1398639 #1398639 Deprecated: RequestIdMiddleware() in favor of oslo.middleware.RequestId 1 Undecided Abhishek Chanda  10 Fix Released
1398683 #1398683 pep8 can't report any error 1 Undecided Lianhao Lu  10 Fix Released
1399001 #1399001 add tempest coverage that each datasource loaded is initialized 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1399002 #1399002 Add tempest test to check that all datasources loaded expose tables 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1399003 #1399003 restructure get_status api return 1 Undecided Samta Rangare  10 Fix Released
1399041 #1399041 Add support for unicode 1 Undecided Alexander Yip  10 Fix Released
1399489 #1399489 key-col/val-cal are required for VDICT but not validated today 1 Undecided Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1399493 #1399493 missing validation on val-col for lists 1 Undecided Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1399509 #1399509 #!/usr/bin/env python and main not needed in source tree 1 Undecided Abhishek Chanda  10 Fix Released
1401665 #1401665 congress broken by tempest changes 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1402098 #1402098 make congress devstack smarter with ENABLED SERVICES 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1403209 #1403209 python3: ImportError: No module named 'd6message 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1403226 #1403226 python 3: long type error 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1403683 #1403683 extend policy rules to have name attribute in api 1 Undecided Amey Bhide  10 Fix Released
1406198 #1406198 Enable: H302 import only modules 1 Undecided Lianhao Lu  10 Fix Released
1410080 #1410080 congress remote REST API - simulation action - multipart message shall be used for passing big parameters, otherwise 414 URI too long is returned 1 Undecided Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1410995 #1410995 Policy engine dependency graph is slow 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1415208 #1415208 do not generate schema each time get_schema is called 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1417268 #1417268 UnboundLocalError: local variable 'p' in dse/ 1 Undecided Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1418188 #1418188 TestDsePerformance doesn't setup db url 1 Undecided Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1421224 #1421224 devstack fails - contrib/devstack/lib/congress disables murano driver, but it still initialize it 1 Undecided Aaron Rosen  10 Fix Released
1422582 #1422582 Glancev2 datasource driver got 401 exception after a long time run 1 Undecided Zhenzan Zhou  10 Fix Released
1435842 #1435842 request to create policy rule fails, but after server restart the same request creates policy rule 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1439536 #1439536 server cannot be restarted if there is an action rule with left side of form <policy>:<rule> defined in action policy 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1441778 #1441778 Nova driver does not read hosts table 1 Undecided Zhenzan Zhou  10 Fix Released
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