Registered by Michael Spencer

The Contributor Console is a utility to help Ubuntu contributors in making code changes, reporting bugs, improving translations, and testing updates.

Use cases

 • Testing a pre-release Ubuntu version, you want to report a bug on a particular error message. You don't know which package is providing the error alert.
 • You see a string that isn't yet translated into your chosen language. You easily find the right place in Launchpad to suggest your own translation.
 • You see some other code problem that you think you could fix. You easily get the code for the appropriate package.
 • Having reported a critical bug in the release version, you are instructed by a developer to test a particular -proposed update.
 • Being on the release team, you want to install all SRUs immediately, not on the normal phased schedule.

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Project information

Michael Spencer
Michael Spencer

RDF metadata

View full history Series and milestones

1.0 series is the current focus of development.

All code Code

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