Registered by Anne van Rossum

Delta3D can be found at This website is not affiliated with the developers of Delta3D. It is only meant to maintain the Ubuntu packages for Delta3D!

Delta3D is a widely used and well-supported open source game and simulation engine. Delta3D is a fully-featured game engine appropriate for a wide variety of uses including training, education, visualization, and entertainment. Delta3D is unique because it offers features specifically suited to the Modeling and Simulation and DoD communities such as High Level Architecture (HLA), After Action Review (AAR), large scale terrain support, and SCORM Learning Management System (LMS) integration.

Delta3D is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). The underlying modules may have their own licensing, but are at the minimum, considered Open Source and are freely distributable. The STAGE source code which uses QT is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). All modifications and contributions to the editor are considered to fall under the same license.

The official Delta3D software can be found at This website serves as a courtesy for Ubuntu users to be able to install the simulator in a few steps:

  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:delta3d-team/ppa-delta3d
  sudo aptitude update
  sudo aptitude install delta3d delta3d-apps

And eventually if you want to build further upon the simulator: sudo aptitude install delta3d-dev. The source code can be obtained in the usual way: cd some_directory && apt-get source delta3d This will allow you to compile the simulator yourself, and moreover, because it did build on the servers at Launchpad, it is guaranteed that it will build on your system. To check the content of a package, use for example: dpkg -L delta3d.



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Delta3D Team
Delta3D Team

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Latest version is 2.5.0-source

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