Registered by edA-qa

The dis-Emi-A haXe Library is a set of tools, classes, and support facilities aimed at simplifying and expediting game creation in Flash 9. Naturally this has also led to creating several aspects useful for any type of visual presentation.

Some of its major features, beyond what Flash normally offers, are:

    * Full resize and automatic sizing of all elements
    * a Proper game event handling and animation framework
    * Extensive and growing Math API with vectors and matrices
    * Actor system for non-timeline, event driven animation
    * An Easy FX system
    * Dynamically generated textures
    * Abstracted and extended graphics / drawing interface

If you'd like to get involved with the project just contact the maintainer edA-qa.

There is also a commercial license available if needed.

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Not yet selected
GNU Affero GPL v3

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