remember and analyze your DJ sets based on Discogs and AcousticBrainz data
DiscoDOS helps a DJ remember and analyze what they played in their sets, or what they could possibly play in the future. It's based on data pulled from a users Discogs record collection. Tracks can be organized into playlists and mix-transitions rated. Additionally the collection can be linked to MusicBrainz and AcousticBrainz, thus further information (like musical key and BPM) is made available to the user.
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trunk series is the current focus of development.
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discodos source package in Mantic
Version 1.0~rc2-2 uploaded -
discodos source package in Lunar
Version 1.0~rc2-2 uploaded -
discodos source package in Kinetic
Version 1.0~rc2-2 uploaded -
discodos source package in Jammy
Version 1.0~rc2-2 uploaded