DOLFIN 0.9.7

The focus for this release is to complete as many of the pending fixes/blueprints as possible.

Milestone information

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6 Garth Wells, 2 Johan Hake, 1 Registry Administrators
2 Unknown, 1 Not started, 2 Started, 10 Implemented, 1 Informational
4 Fix Released

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download icon dolfin-0.9.7.tar.gz (md5, sig) DOLFIN 0.9.7 2,272
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Total downloads: 2,272

Release notes 

This release fixes memory leaks in the Python interface, adds support for mesh partitioning with SCOTCH, improves the handling of time series, removes the GTS dependency, adds support for computing the intersection between arbitrary mesh entites and adds support for specifying the orientation of facets in facet integrals.


View the full changelog

0.9.7 [2010-02-17]
 - Add support for specifying facet orientation in assembly over interior facet\
 - Allow user to choose which LU package PETScLUSolver uses
 - Add computation of intersection between arbitrary mesh entities
 - Random access to MeshEntitiyIterators
 - Modify SWIG flags to prevent leak when using SWIG director feature
 - Fix memory leak in std::vector<Foo*> typemaps
 - Add interface for SCOTCH for parallel mesh partitioning
 - Bug fix in SubDomain::mark, fixes bug in DirichletBC based on SubDomain::ins\
 - Improvements in time series class, recognizing old stored values
 - Add FacetCell class useful in algorithms iterating over boundary facets
 - Rename reconstruct --> extrapolate
 - Remove GTS dependency

16 blueprints and 4 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
New approach to array typemaps New approach to array typemaps 5 Essential   11 Implemented
Use std::vector in la interface in place of pointers Use std::vector in la interface in place of pointers 4 High   5 Started
Collapse of renumbered dof maps Collapse of renumbered dof maps 4 High Garth Wells  11 Implemented
Make it easier to select a particular direct solver with PETSc Make it easier to select a particular direct solver with PETSc 4 High Garth Wells  11 Implemented
Speedup Python assembly to equal C++ assembly Speedup Python assembly to equal C++ assembly 4 High   0 Unknown
Add Python version of elastodynamics demo Add Python version of elastodynamics demo 3 Medium   11 Implemented
Add display parameter option to VariationalProblem Add display parameter option to VariationalProblem 3 Medium   11 Implemented
Fix setprecision() for cout Fix setprecision() for cout 3 Medium Garth Wells  11 Implemented
Remove SpecialFunctions::FacetNormal Remove SpecialFunctions::FacetNormal 3 Medium Garth Wells  11 Implemented
Remove as must const cast as possible Remove as must const cast as possible 3 Medium Registry Administrators  11 Implemented
Revise and split up VTKFile Revise and split up VTKFile 3 Medium Garth Wells  11 Implemented
Use C++ streams in place of C code Use C++ streams in place of C code 3 Medium   11 Implemented
Using PyDoc Using PyDoc 3 Medium Johan Hake  0 Unknown
Clean up Trilinos support Clean up Trilinos support 3 Medium   1 Not started
Add any missing error checks in linear algebra backends Add any missing error checks in linear algebra backends 3 Medium   5 Started
Remove MTL4 as a linear algebra backend Remove MTL4 as a linear algebra backend Informational 0 Not Garth Wells  12 Informational
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
521221 #521221 Memory leak in std_vector_typemaps.i interface 2 Critical Johan Hake  10 Fix Released
521507 #521507 Memory leak in Python Expression interface 3 High   10 Fix Released
517011 #517011 dolfin-convert-mesh 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
517014 #517014 parallel-dofmap-disconnected-meshes 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
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