Registered by Fábio Nogueira

Drivel is a GNOME client for working with online journals, also known as weblogs or simply blogs.

Drivel is a GNOME client for working with online journals, also known as weblogs or simply blogs. It retains a simple and elegant design while providing many powerful features, including:

    * Support for LiveJournal, Blogger, MovableType, Advogato, and Atom journals (systems based off these are also supported, including WordPress and Drupal)
    * The ability to post, edit, delete, and view recent entries
    * Integrated spellchecking and HTML syntax highlighting
    * Offline composition and editing
    * Automatic recovery in the event of a crash
    * Journal system extensions, including LiveJournal security groups and MovableType categories

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Fábio Nogueira
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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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