Registered by nrumprecht

Modules we are developing for OpenERP

04.09.2013 Initial Release of our Module Series for OpenERP 7.0

We have released the migratet Versions of the following Modules:

1. ecoservice_financeinterface: The main modul ecoservice_finance provides the basic methods for the finance interface.
2. ecoservice_financeinterface_datev: The module ecoservice_financeinterface_datev provides methods to convert account moves to the Datevformat.
3. ecoservice_financeinterface_datev_export: The module ecoservice_financeinterface_datev_export lets you configure different ascii base data exports.
4. ecoservice_partner_account_company: If a partner is created a new debit and credit account will be created following a sequence that can be created individually per company.

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GNU Affero GPL v3

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7.0 series is the current focus of development.


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