EPICS Base 3.15.6

A bug fix release mainly incorporating changes from the 3.14 branch.

Milestone information

Ralph Lange
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14 Andrew Johnson, 6 Ralph Lange, 3 mdavidsaver
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
33 Fix Released

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File Description Downloads
download icon base-3.15.6.tar.gz (md5, sig) Sources of Base 3.15.6 (final release) 44
last downloaded 59 weeks ago
download icon base-3.15.6-rc1.tar.gz (md5, sig) Sources of Base 3.15.6-rc1 (first release candidate) 25
last downloaded 59 weeks ago
Total downloads: 69

Release notes 

A bug fix release mainly incorporating changes from the 3.14 branch.


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 33 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1678494 #1678494 IOC crashes for DBR_CTRL_CHAR request with 1 array element 3 High mdavidsaver  10 Fix Released
1707931 #1707931 RSRV crash on disconnect 3 High mdavidsaver  10 Fix Released
1645301 #1645301 Segfaults in ipToAsciiProxy 4 Medium mdavidsaver  10 Fix Released
1694966 #1694966 Access Security segmentation fault if *.acf file is missing 4 Medium Andrew Johnson  10 Fix Released
1743321 #1743321 Sending zero length search request causes infinite loop in casDGClient::processDG() 4 Medium Ralph Lange  10 Fix Released
1771298 #1771298 Conversion of NaN to integer relies on undefined behavior 4 Medium Ralph Lange  10 Fix Released
1503661 #1503661 MSI in 3.15.2 reports missing file instead of syntax error 5 Low Andrew Johnson  10 Fix Released
1528314 #1528314 Illegal link type 1 5 Low Andrew Johnson  10 Fix Released
1669891 #1669891 make --question fails 5 Low Andrew Johnson  10 Fix Released
1677302 #1677302 leading whitespace in ACF is a syntax error/crash 5 Low   10 Fix Released
1702298 #1702298 casDGIntfOS.cc does not compile with vxWorks 6.6 for ppc 5 Low Andrew Johnson  10 Fix Released
1716998 #1716998 info() values not escaped by dbWriteRecordFP() 5 Low Andrew Johnson  10 Fix Released
1725248 #1725248 dbpf before iocInit crashes IOC 5 Low Andrew Johnson  10 Fix Released
1730727 #1730727 aai/aaoRecord don't post changes to NORD 5 Low Andrew Johnson  10 Fix Released
1747091 #1747091 epicsTimeGetEvent() / generalTime bug 5 Low Andrew Johnson  10 Fix Released
1747983 #1747983 caput doesn't report array overruns 5 Low Andrew Johnson  10 Fix Released
1770292 #1770292 get_alarm_double() inconsistent across record types 5 Low Ralph Lange  10 Fix Released
1785712 #1785712 WIN32 call to MessageBox() on error 5 Low Ralph Lange  10 Fix Released
1786927 #1786927 Definition of macro printf in epicsStdio.h breaks C++ code 5 Low Ralph Lange  10 Fix Released
541221 #541221 'assert (pca->pgetNative)' failed in ../dbCa.c 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1597809 #1597809 Setting NAME field in DB file may break IOC 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1664302 #1664302 CA Client library crash when nproc ulimit reached 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1699332 #1699332 caget -0x output on 64-bit 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1702229 #1702229 Wrong configuration for vxWorks 6.7 1 Undecided Andrew Johnson  10 Fix Released
1705219 #1705219 callbackRequest calls epicsInterruptContextMessage with string stored on stack 1 Undecided Andrew Johnson  10 Fix Released
1743076 #1743076 segfault in ca_attach_context() during exits 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1751380 #1751380 Deadlock in ca_clear_subscription() 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1754298 #1754298 info field may be bound to alias instead of record 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1766349 #1766349 RULES.ioc needs ARCH to be set 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1773373 #1773373 assert(status == epicsMutexLockOK) dbEvent.c line 531 1 Undecided Ralph Lange  10 Fix Released
1786320 #1786320 dbCa subscribes twice to ENUM 1 Undecided Andrew Johnson  10 Fix Released
1786858 #1786858 iocLogserver doesn't start with EPICS_IOC_LOG_FILE_LIMIT=0 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1792695 #1792695 macOS linker flags 1 Undecided Andrew Johnson  10 Fix Released
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