Registered by Gressot

Collaborative webapp for managing serials deduplication in libraries.

Save space by eliminating duplicates, provide better readability of your collections by restoring for each of them a unique collection as clean as possible resulting from the aggregation of scattered items available in your libraries.

# Method:

For a given resource (Catalog Unit without filiations), "eplouribousse" allows libraries, each in turn, to indicate its bound elements contributing to the resulting collection, then in a second cycle of instructions and according to the same logic, its not bound complementary elements.

The order of processing is significant: The first library is normally the one already holding the most important collection (the one that claims conservation in the event that the collection is finally grouped). It is the same logic of importance that must prevail normally for the place claimed by the following libraries. It may happen that a library wants to subtract its collection to the reconstitution of the resultant (The typical case is that of a collection of the legal deposit) The positioning module of "eplouribousse" makes this derogation possible.

The sheets obtained describe the resulting collection ; the eliminated elements are deduced from this description (all that doesn't contribute to the resulting collection) The elements which contributes to the resulting collection may be grouped together or not, as desired. Physical treatments and catalog updates are expected.

See illustration here :

# Features:

01. edition of the candidates for each taking part library,
02. positioning form (including derogations),
03. edition of the resources whose instruction of the resulting collection may begin,
04. alert when its turn came to continue the instruction of the resulting collection,
05. instruction forms (add, delete, modify, end),
06. neat worked pdf reports,
07. conformity check at the end of each process cycle,
08. full integrated workflow,
09. activity tracking chart,
10. cross-search by serial and library,
11. users management,
12. authentication controls,
13. parameterization of derogation reasons,
14. administration of faulty card cases,
15. multilingual support (French, English, German, extensible to other languages)
16. contact forms : to contact either the webmaster(s) or the developer(s),
17. autonomous password management.

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Other/Open Source
(BSD 3-Clause Clear License : )
This project’s licence has not been reviewed.

RDF metadata

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