Registered by Xavier

Exome Variant Analysis Pipeline (NGS Data). Developed in R language, calling external programs for specific tasks. It can be run in parallel using many processors from the same machine, and can be easily extended to run in computer clusters (HPC). Still in its early stages, it's a work in progress that is being used already for production in some research centers. More information: ueb(a)vhir.org

Exome Variant Analysis Pipeline (NGS Data). Developed in R language, calling external programs for specific tasks. It can be run in parallel using many processors from the same machine, and can be easily extended to run in computer clusters (HPC). Still in its early stages, it's a work in progress that is being used already for production in some research centers.

* Quality Control
* Mapping in a reference genome
* Tasks related to variants:
** Calling
** Filtering
** Annotating
** Reporting effects and basic statistics
* Sending an email once the run is finished.

More information: ueb(a)vhir.org

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GNU LGPL v3, Creative Commons - Attribution Share Alike

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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