The basic concepts of Finite Element Exterior Calculus have been implemented in the experimental FEniCS package named Exterior (for lack of a better name). For an introduction to finite element exterior calculus, see the recent paper by Arnold, Falk and Winther (Acta Numerica 2006). The Exterior package can currently compute the finite elements (including the nodal basis) P_r\Lambda^k(T) and P_r^-\Lambda^k(T) for arbitrary simplices T (and its sub simplices) in Rn for arbirtrary r, k, n. The Exterior package is currently not integrated with any of the other FEniCS packages and it is currently unclear how this will happen. One may envision it being used from FIAT or SyFi for generation of nodal basis functions, or ideas from Exterior may be used in FIAT or SyFi.
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- Licence:
- GNU GPL v3
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