Registered by Mike Cornelison

photo and image editor and collection manager

Edit photos and manage a large collection. Survey a large image collection with a thumbnail browser and navigator. Open and edit RAW files and most image files formats. Internal editing uses 24-bit color, output files are 8 or 16-bit color. A rich set of functions are available for edit, repair, and special effects. Editing is fast and interactive. The full image is updated immediately. Undo and redo is supported within and across edit functions. File versioning is supported - save and recall multiple edit stages. Select objects or areas within an image, edit separately from background. Copy and paste area selections within and across images. Batch functions: file convert, resize, upright, move, others. Composite functions: HDR, HDF, panorama, stack, photo montage. Metadata edit and reporting: tags, captions, ratings, geocodes ... Search image collection based on any metadata and folder/file names. Albums: image subsets can be selected and arranged with drag and drop. Slide Show with animated transitions and pan/zoom effects. Image locations are marked on a world map. Click marker for image gallery. Zoom world map in and out at any scale. Add custom maps.

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Mike Cornelison
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