Registered by James Broadhead

Goggles Music Manager


Fast and light weight. Quick startup, no splash screen needed!
Supports Ogg Vorbis ,Opus, FLAC, MP3 and MP4
Gapless playback and Replay Gain support (Ogg Vorbis, Opus, FLAC and mp3 with APE tags).
Support for cover art embedded in tag or as separate file on disk.
Subscribe to Podcasts (rss) using the buildin podcast manager.
Tag editing and powerfull file renaming capability.
Filters / Smart Playlists
Smart sorting with user configurable leading word filter to prevent sorting on common words like the, a or an.
Support for play lists. Play lists may be played in a certain configurable order, or browsed through like the main music library.
Import/Export music library and play lists to XSPF,PLS,Extended M3U,M3U and CSV.
Clipboard & DND (drag-and-drop) support to arrange playlists and dragging to and from gnome / kde applications.
Clean and fast database backend using SQLite 3.
Written using FOX, one of the fastest GUI toolkits available. and audio scrobbler support.
Translated in Czech, French, German, Hungarian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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