Ground Control 1.3

Milestone information

Ground Control
Martin Owens
Release registered:
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9 Martin Owens, 1 Łukasz Jernaś
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
10 Fix Released

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download icon groundcontrol-1.3.tar.gz (md5, sig) release tarball 29
last downloaded 63 weeks ago
Total downloads: 29

Release notes 

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0 blueprints and 10 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
517134 #517134 Add a fix bug workflow starting from the projects dir 2 Critical Martin Owens  10 Fix Released
517434 #517434 Problem installing ground control on Lucid 2 Critical Martin Owens  10 Fix Released
518197 #518197 Commit a fixed bug quickly 2 Critical Martin Owens  10 Fix Released
518240 #518240 Ground Control Config Fails with "'LaunchpadWeb' object has no attribute 'uploadKey'" 2 Critical Martin Owens  10 Fix Released
517138 #517138 Add a bug search gui 3 High Martin Owens  10 Fix Released
518116 #518116 Translations are not exported to a branch 3 High Martin Owens  10 Fix Released
514601 #514601 Fixes bug should be added to commit interface. 5 Low Martin Owens  10 Fix Released
517460 #517460 Strings in not marked for translation 5 Low Łukasz Jernaś  10 Fix Released
514528 #514528 Need a bazaar revert function alongside commit. 6 Wishlist Martin Owens  10 Fix Released
517119 #517119 Add lp:<branch_name> to "Project Search" 6 Wishlist Martin Owens  10 Fix Released
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