Registered by Scott Wegner

Gwish keeps track of all the details in creating and organizing wishlists. It was born when my family needed a system for organizing their Christmas lists. Gwish will be able to store all the details for items on your list-- picture, price range, description, web links, and comments. Then, other users in your group can view your list and interact with it. Mark items "taken", save them for later, and print out a customized shopping list. All of this is accomplished with careful visibility settings to make sure the list's owner won't see the activity.

The project is in its early planning stages, and currently only has two developers. Gwish will be written in C# using Mono and GTK+ for its user interface. Source code will be compatible anywhere Mono is-- specifically Linux and Windows. We will build Windows installers and Ubuntu deb packages for download.

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Scott Wegner
Scott Wegner

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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