Helioviewer.org 2.2.1

Milestone information

Keith Hughitt
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16 Keith Hughitt
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
16 Fix Released

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download icon helioviewer.org-2.2.1.tar.gz (md5, sig) Helioviewer.org 2.2.1 88
last downloaded 64 weeks ago
Total downloads: 88

Release notes 

Helioviewer.org 2.2.1 is an incremental release. This release focuses mainly on convenience, adding new features to make it easier to share intersting events, and adding better intelligence when it comes to things like handling opacity after a layer is changed. As always, the release includes many other less visible changes aimed at improving performance and reliability.


View the full changelog

New features:

 * Movie player now includes a link button which can be used to share links
   to videos in Helioviewer.org directly.
 * Centering information is now saved across uses and is included in
   Helioviewer.org links.
 * Shared videos are now automatically refreshed every couple minutes

Bug fixes:

 * Fixed bug #787009 Adjust styles for icon and panel when screenshot or movie
   manager is opened
 * Fixed bug #789412 Anticipatory instrument selection for STEREO A/B
 * Fixed bug #856619 Cache news feed locally to speed up time to load entries
 * Fixed bug #857007 Movie order reversed in drop down window
 * Fixed bug #784054 Create a more obvious loading indicator
 * Fixed bug #784078 Display a loading indicator in the dialog box when
   checking YouTube authorization
 * Fixed bug #787011 Readjust layer opacity settings when switching layers
 * Fixed bug #797851 SECCHI status does not reflect time lag
 * Fixed bug #797856 Helioviewer links report the wrong time
 * Fixed bug #799960 Helioviewer.org occasionally requests tiles with
   mismatched filenames and datasource information
 * Fixed bug #788179 more detail in screenshot, movies - ready popup
 * Fixed bug #791863 Screenshot requests that include dates without a
   millisecond component generate incorrect filenames

Library updates:

 * jQuery (1.6 => 1.6.4)
 * jQuery UI (1.8.12 => 1.8.16)

0 blueprints and 16 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
616377 #616377 Add option to generate a link to load a specific movie into Helioviewer.org 4 Medium Keith Hughitt  10 Fix Released
787009 #787009 Adjust styles for icon and panel when screenshot or movie manager is opened 4 Medium Keith Hughitt  10 Fix Released
789412 #789412 Anticipatory instrument selection for STEREO A/B 4 Medium Keith Hughitt  10 Fix Released
856619 #856619 Cache news feed locally to speed up time to load entries. 4 Medium Keith Hughitt  10 Fix Released
857007 #857007 Movie order reversed in drop down window 4 Medium Keith Hughitt  10 Fix Released
784054 #784054 Create a more obvious loading indicator 5 Low Keith Hughitt  10 Fix Released
784078 #784078 Display a loading indicator in the dialog box when checking YouTube authorization 5 Low Keith Hughitt  10 Fix Released
787011 #787011 Readjust layer opacity settings when switching layers 5 Low Keith Hughitt  10 Fix Released
791863 #791863 Screenshot requests that include dates without a millisecond component generate incorrect filenames 5 Low Keith Hughitt  10 Fix Released
797851 #797851 SECCHI status does not reflect time lag 5 Low Keith Hughitt  10 Fix Released
797856 #797856 Helioviewer links report the wrong time 5 Low Keith Hughitt  10 Fix Released
799960 #799960 Helioviewer.org occasionally requests tiles with mismatched filenames and datasource information 5 Low Keith Hughitt  10 Fix Released
571056 #571056 Enable specification of centering information via URL 6 Wishlist Keith Hughitt  10 Fix Released
784104 #784104 Save viewport centering information across page visits 6 Wishlist Keith Hughitt  10 Fix Released
784114 #784114 Auto-refresh video gallery to show new videos 6 Wishlist Keith Hughitt  10 Fix Released
788179 #788179 more detail in screenshot, movies - ready popup 6 Wishlist Keith Hughitt  10 Fix Released
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