Registered by Peter Garrett

INX is a live CD built on Ubuntu. It is now at the "1.1" release stage.

It is mainly a collection of menus, functions and scripts in Bash, intended as an introduction to the command line and console. It is hoped that it will also become a package that can be installed on a running Ubuntu system, and perhaps have a hard drive installer.

INX uses the Ubuntu repositories and packages to provide an interesting, useful and fun experience _without X_.

It has a series of simple menus that enable access to tutorials, web browsers, IRC, email, editors and a calendar, music and video on the framebuffer, picture viewing, pdf reading, and many other possibilities, including a simple menu to use sshfs as a file access and sharing method.

You can have a quick look by playing the "slideshow" at the Screenshots URL given here.

It has 8 colour schemes, an automated introduction with graphics and some surprises, 9 tutorials, and of course the usual expected tools like monitoring utilities, aptitude/apt-get, vim, mcedit and nano. It sports three file managers - Midnight Commander (mc), vifm, and linm.

You can contribute by testing it, offering criticism or comments, improving its bash scripts, or helping to package it to install and run on Ubuntu. Bug reports are always appreciated. Email contact inx-one [at]

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Peter Garrett
Peter Garrett

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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  • INX 1.1 Released on 2009-02-11
    The INX team is pleased to announce the release of INX 1.1. http://inx.mainc...
  • INX 1.0 Released on 2008-10-06
    The INX team is proud to announce the release of "INX Is Not X", Version 1.0...
  • INX Is Not X: Release Candidate 2 on 2008-08-18
    The "INX Is Not X" team is pleased to announce availability of the second Rel...