Keeps track of user names and passwords, runs on the N810 and desktops, imports keepassx data files.
Keeps track of user names and passwords.
Written in Python 2.6 using Qt4 and SQLite
Runs on the N810 and desktops
imports keepassx data files.
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trunk series is the current focus of development.
All code Code
- Version control system:
- Bazaar
- Programming languages:
- Python 2.6
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #582003: Add a option / button to auto generate passwords
Reported -
Bug #582002: Test Synching on N810
Reported -
Bug #581999: Add Synching to Preferences Dialog
Reported -
Bug #581993: Add logic to update / change password
Reported -
Bug #579109: After starting JaaPassX for the first time the default list of user name and passwords is blank