Registered by Richard Wall

A Javascript library for creating interactive charts from RRD data, entirely within your web browser.

Jarmon downloads multiple RRD files in parallel from one or more servers using asynchronous XHR requests, extracts and merges the data and then plots the results using HTML5 canvas elements.

Jarmon includes a fully working dashboard application - a graphical frontend to Collectd

Jarmon depends on the JavascriptRRD, Flot and jQuery libraries.

Project information

Richard Wall
Jarmon Developers
MIT / X / Expat Licence

RDF metadata

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Latest version is 11.8

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  • Jarmon 11.8 Released on 2011-08-08
    I am pleased to announce the release of Jarmon 11.8 No major new features bu...
  • Jarmon 10.11 Released on 2010-11-28
    I'm happy to announce the release of Jarmon 10.11 and apologies for the delay...