Registered by Jeremy Vernon

JengaNote is platform for knowledge management using semantic web technology. Users can take notes on or about anything they want and associate those notes with that thing. JengaNote can find more notes associated with the topics you're interested in or find other content outside the notespace.

JengaNote is currently built using PHP and the Symfony framework - a popular, open source PHP web-application framework. JengaNote is currently very early in development so we'll eagerly encourage any sort of involvement. The current design is to expose the data-layer via a REST API to allow for distributed, modular deployment of note taking applications - so any ideas for new note taking systems or interfaces are welcome.

We currently plan to deploy the first interface as a browser borne web-application but we hope to release a stand-alone note-taking application built on XULRunner, an XMPP-based real-time annotation system, a FireFox plugin. If you have any other ideas for integration into the note-taking we want to hear them.

If you host a project that sounds like it could use the features of JengaNote or have software that can provide semantic data to JengaNote we're definitely interested in hearing from you.

Our initial audience for development are university students taking notes in classes but we hope to expand the audience through tailored interfaces built around the same data-model.

Project information

Jeremy Vernon
MIT / X / Expat Licence, Mozilla Public Licence

RDF metadata

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