JHelioviewer 2.1.1

various non-critical improvements

Milestone information

Markus Langenberg
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5 Andre Dau, 3 Malte Nuhn, 3 Markus Langenberg
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22 Fix Released

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Release notes 

Trunk revision 380


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0 blueprints and 22 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
680827 #680827 [JHV 2.1] Uncaught exception when loading long AIA series 2 Critical Markus Langenberg  10 Fix Released
675885 #675885 Movie Export: Event markers do not track solar rotation 3 High Andre Dau  10 Fix Released
676939 #676939 [JHV 2.1] first frame in the exported solar tracked movie seems to be misaligned 3 High Andre Dau  10 Fix Released
680898 #680898 [JHV 2.1] Division by Zero when playing with Channel Mixer 3 High Markus Langenberg  10 Fix Released
681624 #681624 Export Movie: Choose Filename, Cancel, Choose Filename, Crash 3 High Andre Dau  10 Fix Released
687380 #687380 [JHV 2.1] Bug in "Save Screenshot As" feature? 3 High Markus Langenberg  10 Fix Released
611550 #611550 Show a "Movies do not overlap"-Message 4 Medium Malte Nuhn  10 Fix Released
614339 #614339 [JHV 2.0] "Track" button should toggle between on and off 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
614341 #614341 [JHV 2.0] "Add layer" default date should be adjusted if local files are already open 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
616352 #616352 [JHV 2.0] Enable mouse wheel scrolling for sharpening and gamma correction sliders 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
616468 #616468 [JHV 2.0] Optional time stamps and short data names for movie export 4 Medium Andre Dau  10 Fix Released
651995 #651995 [JHV 2.0] Layer ordering and corresponding opacities incorrect in mini-view 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
672353 #672353 Fatal Error - Add Report Bug Button 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
673415 #673415 Nullpointer exception when deleting a layer 4 Medium Malte Nuhn  10 Fix Released
673729 #673729 Extended movie controls can become hidden 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
673934 #673934 Nullpointer exception and suboptimal pop-up when JHV is started without internet access 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
688235 #688235 [JHV 2.1] URLs in event pop-ups should be hyperlinks 4 Medium Malte Nuhn  10 Fix Released
631630 #631630 [JHV 2.0] Close-button of application window closes JHV without requesting confirmation 5 Low   10 Fix Released
680904 #680904 [JHV 2.1] change "JPIP server is offline" message when JPX file has been downloaded to client 5 Low   10 Fix Released
681330 #681330 [JHV 2.1] Movie export: Vertical size of output file is off by 1 pix 5 Low Andre Dau  10 Fix Released
628119 #628119 [JHV 2.0] Movie export: suggestion for GUI improvement 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
675503 #675503 Request: Zoom center at mouse cursor position 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
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