Registered by Curved

A Jquery plugin that automatically converts HTML5 DOM elements into a 3D scene using CSS3 Transforms.

3 steps to 3D-ify your HTML element:

1) In your HTML, surround the tags you wish to 3D-ify with a box-model tag like a div then call .tridView() on it.
2) Specify the transformation you want on your 3D-ified element with .trid(...)
3) Push your transformations to the DOM using $.tridTick().

Presto: 3D inside your web page.

Want an animated 3D scene? Create a window.setInterval(...) loop and alter transforms every iteration, finalizing each frame with a call to tridTick(). Trid comes with a built-in mouse controls for the camera to view your scene without building a customized controller.

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MIT / X / Expat Licence

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