juju-core 1.24.0

Milestone information

Curtis Hovey
Release registered:
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1 Anastasia, 1 Andrew Wilkins, 1 Curtis Hovey, 2 Gabriel Samfira, 1 Jesse Meek
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
7 Fix Released

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File Description Downloads
download icon juju-setup-1.24.0-signed.exe (md5, sig) Signed Windows installer for the juju client 295
last downloaded 79 weeks ago
download icon juju-1.24.0-centos7.tar.gz (md5, sig) Centos juju commands tarball 29
last downloaded 79 weeks ago
download icon juju-1.24.0-osx.tar.gz (md5, sig) OS X juju commands tarball 19
last downloaded 79 weeks ago
download icon juju-setup-1.24.0.exe (md5, sig) Windows installer for the juju client 21
last downloaded 79 weeks ago
download icon juju-core_1.24.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) Juju-core release 41
last downloaded 79 weeks ago
Total downloads: 405

Release notes 

# juju-core 1.24.0

A new proposed stable release of Juju, juju-core 1.24.0, is now available.
This release may replace version 1.23.3 on Wednesday June 17.

## Getting Juju

juju-core 1.24.0 is available for vivid and backported to earlier
series in the following PPA:


Windows and OS X users will find installers at:


Proposed releases use the "proposed" simple-streams. You must configure
the `agent-stream` option in your environments.yaml to use the matching
juju agents.

## Notable Changes

  * VMWare (vSphere) Provider
  * Resource Tagging (EC2, OpenStack)
  * MAAS root-disk Constraint
  * Service Status
  * CentOS 7 Preview
  * Storage (experimental)

### VMWare (vSphere) Provider

Juju now supports VMWare's vSphere ("Software-Defined Data Center")
installations as a targetable cloud. It uses the vSphere API to interact
with the vCenter server. The vSphere provider uses the OVA images
provided by Ubuntu's official repository. API authentication
credentials, as well as other config options, must be added to your
environments.yaml file before running 'juju bootstrap'. The different
options are described below.

The basic config options in your environments.yaml will look like this:

      type: vsphere
      host: <>
      user: <some-user>
      password: <some-password>
      datacenter: <datacenter-name>
      external-network: <external-network-name>

The values in angle brackets need to be replaced with your vSphere
information. 'host' must contain the IP address or DNS name of vSphere
API endpoint. 'user' and 'password' are fields that must contain your
vSphere user credentials. 'datacenter' field must contain the name of
your vSphere virtual datacenter. 'external-network' is an optional
field. If set, it must contain name of the network that will be used to
obtain public IP addresses for each virtual machine provisioned by juju.
An IP pool must be configured in this network and all available public
IP addresses must be added to this pool. For more information on IP
pools, see official documentation:


NOTE that using the vSphere provider requires an existing vSphere
installation. Juju does not set up vSphere for you. The OVA images we
use support VMWare's Hardware Version 8 (or newer). This should not be a
problem for nearly all vSphere installations.

### Resource Tagging (EC2, OpenStack)

We now tag instances and volumes created by the EC2 and OpenStack
providers with the Juju environment UUID, as well as any user-
specified tags set via the "resource-tags" environment setting. The
format of this setting is a space-separated list of key=value pairs:

    resource-tags: key1=value1 [key2=value2 ...]

These tags may be used, for example, to set up chargeback accounting.
Any tags that Juju manages will be prefixed with "juju-"; users must
avoid modifying these.

Instances and volumes are now named consistently across EC2 and
OpenStack, using the scheme "juju-<env>-<resource-type>-<resource-
ID>", where <env> is the human-readable name of the environment as
specified in environments.yaml; <resource-type> is the type of the
resource ("machine" or "volume") and <resource-ID> is the numeric ID
of the Juju machine or volume corresponding to the IaaS resource.

### MAAS root-disk Constraint

The MAAS provider now honours the root-disk constraint, if the targeted
MAAS supports disk constraints. Support for disk constraints was added
to MAAS 1.8.

### Service Status

Juju provides new hooks for charm authors to report service status, and
'juju status' now includes the service status. This new functionality
allows charms to explicitly inform Juju of their status, rather than
Juju guessing. Charm authors have access to 2 new hook tools, and the
status report includes more information.

The 'status-set' hook tool allows a charm to report its status to Juju.
This is known as the workload status and is meant to reflect the state
of the software deployed by the charm. Charm authors are responsible for
setting the workload's status to "Active" when the charm is ready to run
its workload, and "Blocked" when it needs user intervention to resolve a

        status-set <maintenance | blocked | waiting | active> "message"

The 'status-get' hook tool allows a charm to query the current workload
status recorded in Juju. Without arguments, it just prints the workload
status value eg maintenance. With '--include-data' specified, it prints
YAML which contains the status value plus any data associated with the

        status-get [--include-data]

Charms that do not make use of these hook tools will still work as
before, but Juju will not provide details about the workload status.

The above commands set the status of the individual units. Unit
leaders may also set and get the status of the service to which they

print the status of all units of the service and the service itself:
status-get --service

set the status of the service:
status-set --service <maintenance | blocked | waiting | active> "message"

The 'juju status' command includes the 'workload-status' and
'service-status' in the report. for example:

        charm: local:trusty/wordpress-93
        exposed: false
        service-status: <-- new service status
          current: blocked
          message: Waiting for database
          since: 01 May 2015 17:39:38 AEST
          - wordpress
            workload-status: <-- new workload status
              current: blocked
              message: Waiting for database
              since: 01 May 2015 17:39:38 AEST
            agent-status: <-- new agent status
              current: idle
              since: 01 May 2015 17:39:44 AEST
              version: 1.24-alpha1.1
            agent-state: started <-- legacy Juju agent state
            agent-version: 1.24-alpha1.1
            machine: "1"
            - 80/tcp

Juju aggregates all the unit 'workload-status' values to represent the
'service-status'. The 'service-status' value is derived from the worst
case status of all the units; eg. if any unit is in error, then the
service is in error.

The 'status' command will use a table layout in the future, and you can
set the environmental variable 'JUJU_CLI_VERSION' to "2" to see it like

    export JUJU_CLI_VERSION=2
    juju status

    mysql unknown false local:trusty/mysql-326
    wordpress blocked false local:trusty/wordpress-93

The legacy status values are omitted from output. You can use the
'--yaml' option to see status in the Juju 1.x layout.

Juju also records a history of status changes for a unit, and tracks the
time when the status was last updated. The 'juju status-history' command
allows you to inspect a charm's status changes over time

    juju status-history [options] [-n N] <unit>

    -e, --environment (= "")
       juju environment to operate in
    -n (= 20)
       size of logs backlog.
    --type (= "combined")
       type of statuses to be displayed [agent|workload|combined].
    --utc (= false)
       display time as UTC in RFC3339 format

    This command will report the history of status changes for
    a given unit.
    The statuses for the unit workload and/or agent are available.
    -type supports:
       agent: will show statuses for the unit's agent
       workload: will show statuses for the unit's workload
       combined: will show agent and workload statuses combined
    and sorted by time of occurrence.

For example, to see the history of the unit wordpress/0

    juju status-history wordpress/0

    01 May 2015 17:33:20+06:00 workload unknown Waiting for agent initialization to finish
    01 May 2015 17:33:20+06:00 agent allocating
    01 May 2015 17:36:37+06:00 agent executing running install hook
    01 May 2015 17:36:37+06:00 workload maintenance installing charm software
    01 May 2015 17:36:38+06:00 workload maintenance installing dependencies
    01 May 2015 17:39:11+06:00 workload maintenance installing components
    01 May 2015 17:39:18+06:00 agent executing running leader-elected hook
    01 May 2015 17:39:18+06:00 agent executing running config-changed hook
    01 May 2015 17:39:19+06:00 workload maintenance configuring nginx
    01 May 2015 17:39:34+06:00 workload maintenance restarting services
    01 May 2015 17:39:38+06:00 workload blocked Waiting for database
    01 May 2015 17:39:39+06:00 agent executing running start hook
    01 May 2015 17:39:44+06:00 agent idle

### CentOS 7 Preview

Juju 1.24.0 has initial CentOS support. This is experimental and has a
number of known issues. However, most of the functionality of Juju
should be there and ready to be used and tested. CentOS should be
deployable on any cloud that supports cloud-init in it's CentOS
images. It is possible to use CentOS as both a state machine (taking
the limitations at the bottom into account) and as a normal machine.

Deploying a charm on CentOS is no different than deploying one on
Ubuntu or Windows. The only thing that needs to change is the series
which is "centos7". For example, from Launchpad:

    juju deploy lp:~me/centos7/charm

or Locally:

    juju deploy --repository=/home/user/charms local:centos7/charm

However there are no charms currently available for CentOS. The
process or writing one should be no different from the Ubuntu charms
besides keeping in mind the fact that one shouldn't use Ubuntu
specific calls (such as apt).

There is a guide for setting up a MaaS environment using CentOS at


Note that Centos 7 agents are already in streams. There is no need
install Go, compile, tar, and running juju metadata. You can sync the
streams to a web server visible to your Juju environment.

    mkdir local
    juju sync-tools --local-dir local
    cp -r local/tools <path/to/webserver>

Some of the known issues are:

  * Containers are not yet supported

  * There is a lack of mongo tools at the moment so any functionality
    depending on those is not available(for example backups)

  * There is no way to currently specify a proxy or mirror for yum in
    the environment configuration. The values that you specific for apt
    packages will be used for yum packages as well. This limitation
    will be fixed as soon as possible.

### Storage (experimental)

Juju now models storage, charms can request storage (volumes and
filesystems), and you can specify constraints on how to satisfy those
requests (which provider, what options, how large, how many).

Initially, Juju supports native volumes for the EC2 (EBS) and
OpenStack (Cinder), and MAAS providers. Juju also supports several
cloud-independent storage providers: tmpfs, loop (loop devices), root
filesystem. Future versions of Juju will extend this set with
providers for Ceph, NFS, and others.

The storage feature is experimental: it has some known caveats, and has
not yet been battle hardened. Instructions on use and caveats are
documented at https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/wip-storage.

### Storage (experimental) MAAS Provider Support

The MAAS provider now supports storage. Storage directives are used to
select machines which have the requisite number and size of volumes
available on the machine (usually physical volumes such as SSD or
magnetic drives).

Storage pools may be created to select volumes with specified tags.

    juju storage create pool maas-ssd maas tags=ssd

The above creates a pool called "maas-ssd" and when used, will select
volumes tagged in MAAS with the "ssd" tag. Tags may be a comma separated

Then to deploy a charm:

    juju deploy mycharm --storage data=maas-ssd,50G

The above deploys a charm to a MAAS machine with the data store mounted
on a volume at least 50GiB in size with the tag "ssd".

It is also possible to specify the size of the root-disk using the root
disk constraint. This works the same way as for the AWS provider

    juju deploy mysql --constraints root-disk=50G

Storage directives and root disk constraints may be combined.

    juju deploy mysql --constraints root-disk=50G --storage data=maas-ssd,500G

NOTE: the root disk support has only just landed in MAAS trunk.
the Juju/MAAS storage support has been smoke tested using the NEC
MAAS test lab. It needs much more extensive testing!

NOTE: when using MAAS which does not support storage, if MAAS storage is
requested, an error is returned and the node is cleaned up.

The storage feature is experimental: it has some known caveats, and has
not yet been battle hardened. Instructions on use and caveats are
documented at https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/wip-storage.

### Storage (experimental) Unit Placement

It is now possible to deploy units with storage to existing machines.
This applies when using storage that is dynamically created, such as
EBS/Cinder volumes, loop devices, TMPFS, rootfs. It can't be used with
machine volumes on MAAS, but can be used to deploy charms to an existing
MAAS machine if a dynamic storage source is specified. eg.

    juju deploy charm --to 2 --storage data=loop,2G

An Openstack deployment example:

    juju deploy charm --to 2 --storage data=cinder,2G

## Resolved issues

  * Golang.org/x/sys/windows requires go 1.4
    Lp 1463439

  * Erroneous juju user data on windows for juju version 1.23
    Lp 1451626

  * Cmd/juju/storage: "add" fails to dynamically add filesystem for
    Lp 1462146

  * Worker/diskmanager sometimes goes into a restart loop due to
    failing to update state
    Lp 1461871

  * Juju 1.24-beta6.1 unit commands in debug-hooks hang indefinitely
    Lp 1463117


We encourage everyone to subscribe the mailing list at
juju-dev@lists.canonical.com, or join us on #juju-dev on freenode.


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 7 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1463439 #1463439 golang.org/x/sys/windows requires go 1.4 2 Critical Gabriel Samfira  10 Fix Released
1451626 #1451626 Erroneous Juju user data on Windows for Juju version 1.23 3 High Gabriel Samfira  10 Fix Released
1461871 #1461871 worker/diskmanager sometimes goes into a restart loop due to failing to update state 3 High Andrew Wilkins  10 Fix Released
1462146 #1462146 cmd/juju/storage: "add" fails to dynamically add filesystem for storage 3 High Anastasia  10 Fix Released
1463117 #1463117 Juju 1.24-beta6.1 unit commands in debug-hooks hang indefinitely 3 High Jesse Meek  10 Fix Released
1463455 #1463455 package github.com/juju/txn has conflicting licences 3 High Curtis Hovey  10 Fix Released
1228243 #1228243 juju provided peer relation leader feature 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
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