Canonical Juju 3.2.4

Milestone information

Canonical Juju
Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
1 Harry Pidcock, 1 Ian Booth, 1 Thomas Miller, 1 Yang Kelvin Liu
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
1 New, 34 Triaged, 1 In Progress, 3 Fix Committed

0 blueprints and 39 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
2039179 #2039179 juju deploy jammy when focal requested 1 Undecided   0 New
1850580 #1850580 model migration credential check too restrictive 3 High   7 Triaged
1863179 #1863179 Confusing behaviour trying to upgrade juju agent 3 High   7 Triaged
1903803 #1903803 juju debug-hooks on CAAS does not support for a shared controller by `juju register` 3 High   7 Triaged
1905769 #1905769 create-backup progress output 3 High   7 Triaged
1908110 #1908110 [k8s] Juju doesn't set CPU / memory requests for its internal pods 3 High   7 Triaged
1919976 #1919976 Need a way to differentiate between resource limits and requests in kubernetes constraints 3 High   7 Triaged
1926215 #1926215 Create StorageClass from Kubernetes V3 provisioner 3 High   7 Triaged
1928680 #1928680 `juju users` doesn't return any users in jaas setups 3 High   7 Triaged
1931758 #1931758 block storage is not supported for container charms 3 High   7 Triaged
1933677 #1933677 hostNetwork for k8s charms 3 High   7 Triaged
1934046 #1934046 [k8s][2.9.5]juju run always execute on charm container regardless of --operator option 3 High   7 Triaged
1943182 #1943182 Invalid Juju Credentials allow users to remove applications 3 High   7 Triaged
2002371 #2002371 An "empty map" (which parses as Null) in an overlay can accidentally delete an entire charm or all of it's options 3 High   7 Triaged
2036594 #2036594 controller restart meant sidecar charm k8s workloads restarts 3 High   7 Triaged
1920945 #1920945 Upgrade series unit verification race 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1933812 #1933812 machines can be half-added and thereby unable to be removed 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1939641 #1939641 docker resource support token based authentication 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1949103 #1949103 Juju is not labeling all the Kubernetes Resources created by a charm 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1954782 #1954782 [azure] creating models in the same resource group as the controller - breaks the controller 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1992173 #1992173 actions.yaml and config.yaml are inconsistent about integer types 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1999568 #1999568 juju-wait breaks log lines in random places 4 Medium   7 Triaged
2003055 #2003055 controller pod restarted on microk8s as part of bootstrap 4 Medium   7 Triaged
2003119 #2003119 wrong error message in juju deploy 4 Medium   7 Triaged
2004182 #2004182 Replace jujud main tests with bash integration tests 4 Medium   7 Triaged
2004278 #2004278 Ensure feature tests are replicated in integration tests 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1946526 #1946526 Adding credential with a space in the access-key causes confusing error while bootstrapping 5 Low   7 Triaged
1977775 #1977775 Cannot deploy k8s charm with multiple stores 5 Low   7 Triaged
2012593 #2012593 error when destroying model with storage without destroy-storage option should display before confirmation prompt 5 Low   7 Triaged
1920027 #1920027 juju expose fails to create an ingress for sidecar charm 6 Wishlist   7 Triaged
1931973 #1931973 all watcher does not include events for cross-model relation connections 6 Wishlist   7 Triaged
1942626 #1942626 Allow login using the CLI only 6 Wishlist   7 Triaged
1958558 #1958558 multi-arch charm support 6 Wishlist   7 Triaged
1989213 #1989213 [UX] Better error message when "agent binars not available" 6 Wishlist   7 Triaged
1991369 #1991369 download images to k8s-workers before initiating charm upgrade 6 Wishlist   7 Triaged
2038974 #2038974 juju bootstrap with ca-cert-path and ca-private-key-path not using assigned cert/key 3 High Thomas Miller  8 In Progress
1830228 #1830228 juju storage mounting itself over itself 3 High Ian Booth  9 Fix Committed
2037478 #2037478 updated controller api addresses lost when k8s unit process restarts 3 High Harry Pidcock  9 Fix Committed
2033261 #2033261 JWT token auth does not check for everyone@external 4 Medium Yang Kelvin Liu  9 Fix Committed
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