Juniper Openstack r1.06-fcs

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Juniper Openstack
Ashish Ranjan
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1 Anand H. Krishnan, 1 Ankit Jain, 1 Atul Moghe, 2 Balamurugan Gopal, 1 Biswajit Mandal, 4 Hampapur Ajay, 3 Hari Prasad Killi, 4 Ignatious Johnson Christopher, 1 Manish Singh, 3 Manoj, 2 Megh Bhatt, 5 Naga Kiran, 5 Prakash Bailkeri, 2 Praneet Bachheti, 1 Prashant Shetty, 2 Ruchi Priya, 1 Rudra Rugge, 11 Sachin Bansal, 1 Sagar Gala, 1 asbalaji
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
3 Invalid, 1 Won't Fix, 29 Fix Committed, 20 Fix Released

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0 blueprints and 53 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1329233 #1329233 assigning a fixed-ip while creating a port is not working 3 High Sachin Bansal  3 Invalid
1330051 #1330051 [ubuntu-havana-R1.06-38] creation of floating IP failed 4 Medium Prashant Shetty  3 Invalid
1328496 #1328496 some exceptions not thrown correctly in 1 Undecided Praneet Bachheti  3 Invalid
1326323 #1326323 Vm goes to shutdown state while trying to create snapshot ; Build 2197 mainline 3 High Hampapur Ajay  4 Won't Fix
1329626 #1329626 [Build-37]:Ubuntu:Openstack " Getting error while launching VM for form submission" 2 Critical Prakash Bailkeri  9 Fix Committed
1329873 #1329873 Bond params are removed after rewriting the interfaces file with vhost 2 Critical Ignatious Johnson Christopher  9 Fix Committed
1336439 #1336439 In some condition vrouter fails to send dns message to vdns 2 Critical Hari Prasad Killi  9 Fix Committed
1325531 #1325531 [Build 14]:Ubuntu: deleted SG rules still present in API and allowing traffic as per the rules. 3 High Sachin Bansal  9 Fix Committed
1325920 #1325920 Unable to delete a VN with router:external set 3 High Hampapur Ajay  9 Fix Committed
1329169 #1329169 From Contrail UI, subnet gets deleted while ports have fixed ip from that subnet 3 High Sachin Bansal  9 Fix Committed
1329809 #1329809 Need to get upgrade to 1.06 working 3 High Ignatious Johnson Christopher  9 Fix Committed
1329881 #1329881 No need to configure nova.conf in the compute node, when manage_nova_compute flag is set to 'no'. 3 High Ignatious Johnson Christopher  9 Fix Committed
1330342 #1330342 [ubuntu-havana-R1.06-41] chrome: on resize of browser homepage alignment messed up 3 High Naga Kiran  9 Fix Committed
1330362 #1330362 R1.06-build-41: Contrail UI showing wrong logical node count and old alerts 3 High Naga Kiran  9 Fix Committed
1330472 #1330472 [ubuntu-havana-R1.06-43] schema crashed while deleting SI 3 High Sachin Bansal  9 Fix Committed
1331062 #1331062 create a script to extract sandesh logs and send them as syslog 3 High Megh Bhatt  9 Fix Committed
1332051 #1332051 [Build-47]: Ubuntu: UI " getting error while clicking configure --> networks ,for no default poject showing up " 3 High Ruchi Priya  9 Fix Committed
1332217 #1332217 creating a port without SG option should bind it to default SG 3 High Hampapur Ajay  9 Fix Committed
1332231 #1332231 Updating a subnet to enable dhcp is failing 3 High Praneet Bachheti  9 Fix Committed
1332746 #1332746 Security group id zero, even the agent ifmap shows a value '7'. 3 High Hari Prasad Killi  9 Fix Committed
1333224 #1333224 [Build-50]:Ubuntu:openstack " floating ip pool shows the networks without routing external and pool for selection" 3 High Prakash Bailkeri  9 Fix Committed
1334239 #1334239 Infra Dashboard taking more time load with around 1000 nodes 3 High Naga Kiran  9 Fix Committed
1339429 #1339429 build-70-R1.06-ubuntu-havana- vnswad core during process restart 3 High Manish Singh  9 Fix Committed
1324396 #1324396 [Build 14]:Ubuntu: unable to update project quotas from cli as well as openstack UI 4 Medium Hampapur Ajay  9 Fix Committed
1326644 #1326644 svc-mon crashed on static route delete 4 Medium Rudra Rugge  9 Fix Committed
1329161 #1329161 In Contrail UI, Editing a BGP node forces user to set the hold time also 4 Medium asbalaji  9 Fix Committed
1329173 #1329173 port-list with tenant-id filter does not return ports in the tenant which are on shared vns 4 Medium Prakash Bailkeri  9 Fix Committed
1332433 #1332433 subnet-create by name is not setting the name of the subnet 4 Medium Atul Moghe  9 Fix Committed
1332794 #1332794 quota-update on a tenant does not work 4 Medium Sachin Bansal  9 Fix Committed
1333467 #1333467 nova-api conf does not proper limit for files opened 4 Medium Ignatious Johnson Christopher  9 Fix Committed
1332356 #1332356 R1.06 -ubuntu-havana-47-core vnswad not created 1 Undecided Hari Prasad Killi  9 Fix Committed
1333799 #1333799 vrouter - vhost ip arp resolution failure 1 Undecided Anand H. Krishnan  9 Fix Committed
1334254 #1334254 vRouter summary page: Node Filtering doesn't work correctly on cross filter change 1 Undecided Naga Kiran  9 Fix Committed
1324443 #1324443 [Build 14]:Ubuntu:SG: default ingress rule for default SG not working 2 Critical Sachin Bansal  10 Fix Released
1329088 #1329088 API server doesn't restart upon losing connection with zookeeper 2 Critical Prakash Bailkeri  10 Fix Released
1329452 #1329452 neutron port-list with filters containing 'device_owner' as 'network:dhcp' should return an empty list. Currently we are returning all ports 2 Critical Sachin Bansal  10 Fix Released
1330059 #1330059 [ubuntu-havana-R1.06-40] contrail-database service failure 2 Critical Megh Bhatt  10 Fix Released
1323984 #1323984 [Build-14]:UI:"Internal Server Error" while associating an instance to a floating IP" 3 High Ruchi Priya  10 Fix Released
1324516 #1324516 [build-14]:ubuntu:"The dropdown available on Monitor--> Infrastructure --> Virtual Routers --> node-->Flow shows ambiguity in data 3 High Manoj  10 Fix Released
1325951 #1325951 [Build:18] Ubuntu: " the default IPAM has dhcp disabled" 3 High   10 Fix Released
1326576 #1326576 Add floating ip stats to VM info 3 High Naga Kiran  10 Fix Released
1327209 #1327209 [Monitor > Network > Instances] Expanded grid row detail container data goes off on browser resize 3 High Sagar Gala  10 Fix Released
1329531 #1329531 When you try to create a floating ip in a network that doesn't exist, neutron returns internal server error 3 High Sachin Bansal  10 Fix Released
1330417 #1330417 contrail-webUI doesnot show the infrastructure monitor if the newly created project with admin user as member 3 High Biswajit Mandal  10 Fix Released
1332431 #1332431 port-show by name fails 3 High Sachin Bansal  10 Fix Released
1328092 #1328092 [Build-25]:Ubuntu:Ui " Monitor--> Networking-> Networks -> default-domain:admin:VN-1--> Instance summary shows null values though instances are associated " 4 Medium Manoj  10 Fix Released
1329575 #1329575 R1.06 -ubuntu-havana-36- control core-/usr/lib64/contrail/ 4 Medium Prakash Bailkeri  10 Fix Released
1348842 #1348842 For a service instance with auto_policy set to True, the internal policy generated by schema transformer doesn't have any rules 4 Medium Sachin Bansal  10 Fix Released
1328785 #1328785 [ubuntu-havana-R1.06-29] UI : While associating fip if instance is empty and click on save button then no infowindow shown 5 Low Ankit Jain  10 Fix Released
1324829 #1324829 [R1.06 build 18 (Ubuntu havana)] service instance display issue in firefox when service scaling is used. 1 Undecided Balamurugan Gopal  10 Fix Released
1325489 #1325489 [ubuntu-havana-R1.06-18] UI : config->service instances : Not able to cancel service instance create if service template is not configured 1 Undecided Balamurugan Gopal  10 Fix Released
1328492 #1328492 [Build-27]:Ubuntu:Ui: "The FIP info is missing on Monitor --> Infrastructure --> Virtual Routers--> nodea21-->Interfaces" even thought the Details show the FIP. 1 Undecided Manoj  10 Fix Released
1332374 #1332374 Attach a custom security group and launch a instance using that port doesn't work 1 Undecided Sachin Bansal  10 Fix Released
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