Juniper Openstack r4.1.2.0

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Juniper Openstack
Jeba Paulaiyan
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1 Ananth Suryanarayana, 6 Andrey Pavlov, 2 Ankit Jain, 1 Arvind, 1 Biswajit Mandal, 1 Jeya ganesh babu J, 1 Kumar Harsh, 1 Manish Singh, 1 Manoj, 2 Nagendra E S, 3 Nagendra Prasath, 6 Parth Sarupria, 8 Pieter Malan, 2 Prashanth Nageshappa, 1 Praveen, 1 Pulkit Tandon, 1 Sachchidanand Vaidya, 1 Sachin Bansal, 1 Sai Chakravarthy Alikapati, 1 Santosh Gupta, 2 Sarath, 1 Saurabh, 1 Sergey Matov, 2 Shivayogi Ugaji, 2 Sivakumar Ganapathy, 3 Sundaresan Rajangam, 1 Suresh Vinapamula, 1 Yuvaraja Mariappan, 2 Zhiqiang Cui, 6 alexey-mr, 1 alok kumar, 1 amudhar, 1 mkheni, 1 musharani, 1 sangarshan p, 3 tikitavi, 2 Édouard Thuleau
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12 Invalid, 8 Won't Fix, 48 Fix Committed, 6 Fix Released

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0 blueprints and 74 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1794713 #1794713 Juju charms: R4.1 : Multi controller setup :contrail-control is not ready. Reason: (disabled on boot) 2 Critical Andrey Pavlov  3 Invalid
1794998 #1794998 Juju Charms R4.1 : Single controller vrouter provisioning fails 2 Critical Andrey Pavlov  3 Invalid
1795313 #1795313 R4.1[Juju charms] Neutron not able to connect to contrail-api 2 Critical Andrey Pavlov  3 Invalid
1714063 #1714063 Need to support keystone v3 in analytics 3 High Biswajit Mandal  3 Invalid
1718003 #1718003 Port update disabling port security fails 3 High Sachin Bansal  3 Invalid
1740071 #1740071 Vcenter-as-compute: Esxi/computeVM contrail-vrouter-nodemgr stay "initializing" 3 High Sarath  3 Invalid
1749900 #1749900 filesystem getting full on a contrail analytics node installation 3 High Sundaresan Rajangam  3 Invalid
1769117 #1769117 [R4.1.1.0-10-newton] Alarm test cases fails intermittently due to all services not coming up 3 High alok kumar  3 Invalid
1774084 #1774084 [Netronome] Unable to resolve arp after vrouter comes up on bonded interface 3 High Pieter Malan  3 Invalid
1492996 #1492996 Support subnetpool APIs in OpenContrail 4 Medium Nagendra Prasath  3 Invalid
1757334 #1757334 Contrail analytics api query response time issue when querying 1d samples 4 Medium Parth Sarupria  3 Invalid
1775293 #1775293 Tempest-R4.1-OSP10: All subnetpools_extensions test cases are failed due to missing support 4 Medium Nagendra Prasath  3 Invalid
1799294 #1799294 R4.1 build 16: Netronome build 73: virtio-forwarder failed to come up 2 Critical Pieter Malan  4 Won't Fix
1660494 #1660494 Sanity: to fix ha_scripts not executing tests 3 High Sai Chakravarthy Alikapati  4 Won't Fix
1712091 #1712091 Can't create public network 3 High Saurabh  4 Won't Fix
1775127 #1775127 [Netronome]: Bringup procedure requires manual installation of packages on Compute nodes and patching on Server manager 3 High Pieter Malan  4 Won't Fix
1775666 #1775666 Vcenter only provisioning:Centos 7.5 microservices - Provisioning failing with sriov info in the vcenter_vars.yml 3 High amudhar  4 Won't Fix
1796812 #1796812 [ R4.1 build 15 ] Juju + Netronome : Virtio-forwarder needs to be allowed to configure as default vnic type 3 High Pieter Malan  4 Won't Fix
1715262 #1715262 Vcenter-as-compute: 16-04/newton: provisioning fails handling container vcenter-plugin 4 Medium Sarath  4 Won't Fix
1797358 #1797358 R4.1 build 15 Netronome 47: Gwless forwarding not working 4 Medium Pieter Malan  4 Won't Fix
1724114 #1724114 3.1.1-85:Agent programs the olist but not the source-label 2 Critical Manish Singh  9 Fix Committed
1773091 #1773091 contrail-ansible: configuration for analytics wrongly configures zookeeper of contrail-controller instead of contrail-analyticsdb 2 Critical Sundaresan Rajangam  9 Fix Committed
1776923 #1776923 contrail-charms: determine vhost0 gateway for multi-interface setup 2 Critical tikitavi  9 Fix Committed
1779943 #1779943 RHOSP: upgrade from 3.2.3 to 4.1.1 failed : 'vnc_cfg_api_server.gen.resource_xsd.BgpSessionAttributes'> does not have field route_origin_override 2 Critical alexey-mr  9 Fix Committed
1790766 #1790766 Kernel Vrouter: Not able to set jumbo mtu on vhost0 2 Critical Sivakumar Ganapathy  9 Fix Committed
1798696 #1798696 R4.1.2-Build-18-RHOSP-Newton:analytics Database provisioning failed 2 Critical alexey-mr  9 Fix Committed
1633387 #1633387 Contrail-vrouter failed to build on kernel >= 4.6 3 High Sivakumar Ganapathy  9 Fix Committed
1719236 #1719236 Contrail analytics response time varies based on the number of VN/VMI when one of the control node fails 3 High Zhiqiang Cui  9 Fix Committed
1722877 #1722877 RHOSP-OSP10/OSP11-SRIOV provisioning support needed through director 3 High tikitavi  9 Fix Committed
1729812 #1729812 [R4.1-36]:SLO- Session getting logged locally on compute without any SLO created 3 High Arvind  9 Fix Committed
1755649 #1755649 contrail-collector crash immediately after provisioning 3 High Zhiqiang Cui  9 Fix Committed
1755768 #1755768 Provide per bgp peer local-as support 3 High Manoj  9 Fix Committed
1768265 #1768265 reports clean_subnet_addr_alloc exception when running cleaner 3 High Édouard Thuleau  9 Fix Committed
1771296 #1771296 contrail-charms: Support DPDK vrouter options 3 High tikitavi  9 Fix Committed
1771303 #1771303 contrail-charms: support docker repo/URL for Contrail docker images 3 High Andrey Pavlov  9 Fix Committed
1773197 #1773197 Wrong DNS Servers in /etc/resolv.conf 3 High Ananth Suryanarayana  9 Fix Committed
1773412 #1773412 R3.2 setup_all of centos74 cluster failed unable to start supervisor-database 3 High Santosh Gupta  9 Fix Committed
1773786 #1773786 [R4.1-k8s] K8s sanity test case fix 3 High Pulkit Tandon  9 Fix Committed
1774364 #1774364 EIO reported in "Flows Summary" when selecting a port from Port Map of a virtual network 3 High mkheni  9 Fix Committed
1778241 #1778241 contrail-charms: contrail-openstack: support multiple IPs in neutron ContrailPlugin api_server_ip 3 High Andrey Pavlov  9 Fix Committed
1779060 #1779060 R4.1-144: Sanity: Fix contrail-status display of kakfa service: when confluent-kafka is deployed by systemd 3 High Ankit Jain  9 Fix Committed
1779078 #1779078 contrail heat plugin reads heat.conf over and over 3 High Shivayogi Ugaji  9 Fix Committed
1789586 #1789586 Changes need to be done for policy and rbac testcases 3 High musharani  9 Fix Committed
1791861 #1791861 RHOSP-Upgrade from 3.2 to R4.1.1 contrail-api was down due to auth_token in keystone-auth.conf 3 High alexey-mr  9 Fix Committed
1794934 #1794934 DPDK:3.2.x: After agent restart traffic to virtiovm is blackholed 3 High Jeya ganesh babu J  9 Fix Committed
1796637 #1796637 requirement to add filter msg for structured_syslog forwarding 3 High Parth Sarupria  9 Fix Committed
1797981 #1797981 RHOSP10 Contrail 4.1.1 Upgrade 3 High alexey-mr  9 Fix Committed
1798759 #1798759 Automation: Support port creation with IPv6 address 3 High Ankit Jain  9 Fix Committed
1799275 #1799275 vrouter not present after upgrade from CN 3.2.3 to 4.1.1 on RHOSP 10 3 High alexey-mr  9 Fix Committed
1800547 #1800547 Upgrade-RHOP-R4.1.1.1 to R4.1.2 build-19 cassandra failed to come up on analyticsdb 3 High alexey-mr  9 Fix Committed
1801651 #1801651 R4.1 vcenter-plugin build failure 3 High Sachchidanand Vaidya  9 Fix Committed
1723193 #1723193 RBAC corresponding api request for a neutron request for debugging 4 Medium Suresh Vinapamula  9 Fix Committed
1734896 #1734896 Segmentation fault when running 'flow' with wrong arguments 4 Medium Kumar Harsh  9 Fix Committed
1735174 #1735174 Possible memory leak in KSyncSockTcpSession constructor 4 Medium Nagendra E S  9 Fix Committed
1766281 #1766281 contrail-charms: add option to chose if public or internal Openstack endpoints are configured 4 Medium Andrey Pavlov  9 Fix Committed
1774693 #1774693 rhosp-R4.1:OSP10-CB-135:delete quota counter failed 4 Medium Nagendra Prasath  9 Fix Committed
1778518 #1778518 Neutron policy-create fails due to error in contrail-api 4 Medium Sergey Matov  9 Fix Committed
1785784 #1785784 Structured syslog parsing change 4 Medium Parth Sarupria  9 Fix Committed
1790737 #1790737 Remove SANDESH: Sending: LEVEL log message 4 Medium Sundaresan Rajangam  9 Fix Committed
1791887 #1791887 support for adding table keys in alarm-gen rule which are not present in viz.sandesh 4 Medium Parth Sarupria  9 Fix Committed
1793536 #1793536 vnc_openstack: fip list scoping issue 4 Medium Shivayogi Ugaji  9 Fix Committed
1793538 #1793538 api-server: duplicate logs 4 Medium Édouard Thuleau  9 Fix Committed
1799639 #1799639 VPN network search for destination site. 4 Medium Parth Sarupria  9 Fix Committed
1684993 #1684993 Must support a monitor for tbb tasks 1 Undecided Praveen  9 Fix Committed
1736972 #1736972 with software simple gateway and default security group ping on floating IP is working only on local compute node 1 Undecided Nagendra E S  9 Fix Committed
1775716 #1775716 Creating default SG fails with RefsExistError exception 1 Undecided   9 Fix Committed
1787520 #1787520 correction for logic to find the hub_interfaces in structured_syslog_collector 1 Undecided Parth Sarupria  9 Fix Committed
1792378 #1792378 Reverse flow ecmp nh index updates do not propagate to hardware 1 Undecided Pieter Malan  9 Fix Committed
1797216 #1797216 R4.1 build 15 Netronome build 47: Port mirroring is not working 2 Critical Pieter Malan  10 Fix Released
1712189 #1712189 Agent crash when using introspect ShowGratuitousArpCache 3 High sangarshan p  10 Fix Released
1720198 #1720198 Controller docker restarts continuously in Contrail 4.0 3 High Prashanth Nageshappa  10 Fix Released
1735065 #1735065 contrail-api:0 initializing (Generic Connection:Keystone[] connection down) 3 High Prashanth Nageshappa  10 Fix Released
1798253 #1798253 R4.1 build 15 Netronome build 47: In fallback mode, VM fails to boot 3 High Pieter Malan  10 Fix Released
1777406 #1777406 [Config]: Few config services fail to come up as exception not handled correctly 4 Medium Yuvaraja Mariappan  10 Fix Released
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