Novel Writing Assistant (Version 1.8)
Available for Linux and Windows!
Kabikaboo is a tree-based note pad, designed to help you plan a book or complex project.
Features (1.8):
- Fonts: change the default fonts and sizes on your text, tree, tabs, and more! (complete)
- Darkroom: go fullscreen with just the text editor (F8)
- Margin Settings: a lot of text view related spacing settings now customizable
- No package yet, but available in repository
Features (1.7):
- Note Tree: infinitely customizable; you create all categories and subcategories.
- Edit Nodes: a simple node that you can write text inside of.
- View Nodes: recursively see any section of your tree, as if it were one document.
- Tabbed Notebook: keep as many nodes open as you want.
- Bookmarks: help you jump back to your favorite/important nodes.
- Visits: three different automatic lists of visited nodes.
- and much more
Repository: https:/
Screenshot: https:/
We have resolved this issue in the codebase:
- https:/
- https:/
Kabikaboo is meant to help you plan a novel, but could be used for anything that would benefit from tree-based text organization. Kabikaboo is not meant to create a formatted document - you should use AbiWord/
In the future, we plan to support more writing features, such as: rich text editing, timelines, in-text node links, recursive editing, templates, and more.
Free and open source, created with Python, PyGTK, Glade, on Ubuntu Debian Linux GNU.
Chat: /join #kabikaboo
Volunteer testers, developers, and packagers wanted.
NEEDED: Mac installer.
Developed by David Kerr and Jeremy Bicha
Windows Installer by Cody Jackson
More features:
- Spellcheck: automatic spellcheck engine utilizing Enchant.
- Export: any node, recursively or not, to text or html, for printing.
- Import: your big text files and auto-split them into nodes.
- Statistics: word count with real time updates.
Project information
- Maintainer:
- Kabikaboo Team
- Driver:
- Kabikaboo Team
- Licence:
- GNU GPL v2, GNU GPL v3
View full history Series and milestones
trunk series is the current focus of development.
All code Code
- Version control system:
- Bazaar
- Programming languages:
- Python, PyGTK
All questions Latest questions
will not launch
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Increase font size in text window
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Will not launch
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Just a Thank You!
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Document Statistics
All packages Packages in Distributions
kabikaboo source package in Trusty
Version 1.7-1 uploaded -
kabikaboo source package in Precise
Version 1.7-1 uploaded
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #1567088: Not feature for searching into a document
Reported -
Bug #1524892: The project summary is outdated
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Bug #1524890: Kaboo files do not open in Kabikaboo by default
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Bug #1473495: I'm using 1.7. I understand that there's a spellchecker. It hasn't installed with my version.
Reported -
Bug #1380130: Fails to launch
All blueprints Latest blueprints
File Extension Association
Registered -
See differences between two Kabikaboo files
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Manual Entry for Split String
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Format Source Code
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Clean Up Notebook Source Code