Registered by Carla Sella

kurly is an alternative to the widely popular curl program.

kurly is designed to operate in a similar manner to curl, with select features. Notably, kurly is not aiming for feature parity, but common flags and mechanisms particularly within the HTTP(S) realm are to be expected.

The current authors are not security experts, but want to contribute to the fledging movement of replacing key tools and services with equivalents based on modern and safe languages. We recognize that people are fallible (including ourselves), and for this reason believe we need all the help we can get.

Several languages exist which could be used to fulfill our goal, but in this case we picked Golang.

The original project is on Git Hub here:
I am just the maintainer of the snap package.

Project information

Carla Sella
Carla Sella
Apache Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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