Registered by Zygmunt Krynicki

Central point for coordinating issues, questions and documentation spanning the entire project.

LAVA is a collection of tools, libraries, components and services developed by Linaro to facilitate testing on various ARM hardware. You can learn more about the project on the official documentation pages at

Feel free to download LAVA releases, ask questions and reports bugs here. Use the links on the right to find the task you are interested in.

The source code for LAVA is spread around many smaller launchpad projects. All of those projects are gathered by the LAVA project group ( If you need real time assistance please contact us on #linaro (IRC channel on the freenode network).

To install LAVA please download the official release (.pybundle file) from
This file can be installed with the LAVA deployment tool ( You will need Ubuntu Oneiric server and a local root access. Please download the tool and check the README file. You can also read it here:

Project information

GNU Affero GPL v3, GNU GPL v3, GNU LGPL v3

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Latest version is 2012.05

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