Registered by Christian Reis
Open-source projects under the "LAZR" umbrella maintained by Canonical.

Canonical uses the LAZR projects to power Launchpad, Landscape, and other applications. They conform to our code quality standards, including automated tests; and they come from our state-of-the-art development process, including peer reviews. We hope that you find them useful.

We also invite you to contribute. Use the projects' bug trackers to report problems or make feature suggestions. Or make a bzr branch, write some tests and some changes, and submit your branch for review for merging into the trunk!

LAZR projects are primarily written in Python. Many are libraries, but some assemble several dependencies into small frameworks. When persistent storage is needed, the projects usually use the STORM object-relational mapper. When a JavaScript library is appropriate, we use YUI 3. We often use libraries from the Zope 3 project, particularly zope.interface, as also used by projects such as Twisted and Trac.


  • RELEASED: lazr.smtptest 2.0 on 2013-01-07
    This release ports the library to Python 3. It is now compatible with Python...
  • Storm 0.18 is out! on 2010-10-26
    The latest stable release of Storm with new features and bug fixes is available.
  • Storm 0.17 is out! on 2010-08-06
    The latest stable release of Storm with new features and bug fixes is available.
  • Storm 0.16 is out! on 2009-11-29
    The latest stable release of Storm with new features and bug fixes is available.
  • Storm 0.15 is out! on 2009-08-08
    The latest stable release of Storm with new features and bug fixes is available.