leo-editor 4.10-b1

Milestone information

Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  


Assigned to you:
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26 Edward K. Ream
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
26 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 26 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
944551 #944551 @url URL Open Hangs Leo-Editor for duration (and lesser URL problems) 3 High Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
501636 #501636 Leo's import code should support non-ascii xml tags 4 Medium Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
823267 #823267 when a tab is closed focus may go to a tab other than the visible one 4 Medium Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
831658 #831658 @url doesn't leave Chapter 4 Medium Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
875323 #875323 Hoist an @chapter node leaves a non-visible node selected 4 Medium Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
875327 #875327 "Positioning outside of hoisted outline" usually causes problems 4 Medium Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
799695 #799695 colorizer bug after move-lines-up into a docstring 5 Low Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
805288 #805288 ctr - tab locks up in log pane 5 Low Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
807561 #807561 dragging a binary to Leo should create @url, not @edit 5 Low Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
824087 #824087 Alt+F4 is not the same as Alt+F, c 5 Low Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
875463 #875463 Enabling quickmove.py sends to error messages to console on every outline open 5 Low Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
882824 #882824 bookmarks_show command with free_layout plugin not enabled sends AttributeError to console 5 Low Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
893228 #893228 @url and @bookmarks "local file" URL format is incorrect. 5 Low Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
893230 #893230 URL coloring does not work for many Internet protocols 5 Low Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
896809 #896809 docs - FAQ - broken link 5 Low Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
917814 #917814 Switching Log Pane tabs is done incompletely 5 Low Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
923301 #923301 Unicode error when executing 'rst3' command. 5 Low Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
924123 #924123 Some SyntaxError's thrown when compiling the whole source with Python 3 5 Low Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
944555 #944555 Ctrl-left-click URL handling not as sophisticated as @url URL handling 5 Low Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
951721 #951721 @url with URL in headline 5 Low Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
951739 #951739 xdg-open of a file-scheme URL containing blanks 5 Low Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
951921 #951921 Opening myLeoSettings.leo can clutter the console unworthwhile messages 5 Low Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
952365 #952365 Leo-Editor can't write a file created from the command line 5 Low Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
953684 #953684 double-click-icon-box in a @bookmarks subtree opens the URL twice 5 Low Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
956854 #956854 @url - command/ node not working as expected 5 Low Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
905276 #905276 Docs should explain how to 6 Wishlist Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
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