leo-editor 4.11-b1

Milestone information

Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
16 Edward K. Ream
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
18 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 18 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
981849 #981849 incorrect body content shown 2 Critical Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
1021849 #1021849 typo in path for icon of desktop shortcut 3 High Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
1022140 #1022140 scroll problem in the body pane 3 High Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
869098 #869098 Context menu settings lost if save as used 4 Medium Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
869385 #869385 Chapters make the nav_qt.py plugin useless 4 Medium Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
903470 #903470 print-bindings no longer properly terminates each line 4 Medium Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
914221 #914221 bound method ViewRenderedController.update 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1019794 #1019794 p.copyTreeFromSelfTo, chould deepcopy p.v.u 4 Medium Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
1099035 #1099035 Leo yank and kill behaviour not quite the same as emacs 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1132821 #1132821 Leo replaces a soft link with a real file 4 Medium Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
1159302 #1159302 Correcting and improving the "Open with" documentation 4 Medium Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
1160660 #1160660 File-Compare-Leo-Files creates "other file" clones 4 Medium Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
1162307 #1162307 Undoing a headline change does not change focus to the headline. 4 Medium Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
1168689 #1168689 outdated documentation about ipython 4 Medium Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
1175013 #1175013 leo/plugins/spellpyx.txt is both source controlled and customized 4 Medium Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
1175652 #1175652 Info in "about Leo" pane outdated 4 Medium Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
1178661 #1178661 Incorrect urls in .leo header info 4 Medium Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
1180186 #1180186 debian install not documented well enough 4 Medium Edward K. Ream  10 Fix Released
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