Registered by Jamie Wilkinson

libcmml is a library that provides a complete programming interface including functions and data structures to parse a CMML file.

CMML is the Continuous Media Markup Language defined as part of the Continuous Media Web project (see

libcmml includes the following command-line tools:

    * cmml-validate, which takes as input a CMML file and tests it against the cmml.dtd
    * cmml-fix, which fixes a sloppily written input CMML and creates a valid one if possible
    * cmml-timeshift, which shifts the start and end times of all the clip tags by a second value
    * cmml-fortune, which creates a valid CMML file with random content

Features of CMML
The version of CMML that this version of libcmml supports is CMML 2.0 . It has the following features:

    * html-like markup language for audio, video, and other time-continuous data files (call them "media files")
    * provides markup to structure an input media file into clips by identification of time intervals
    * URI hyperlinking to clips is possible
    * provides structured annotations (meta tags) and unstructed annotations (free text) both for the complete media file and each clips
    * URI hyperlinks from clips to other Web resources possible
    * URI hyperlinks from clips to representative images (keyframes) possible
    * internationalisation (i18n) support for markup
    * multi-track composition directions for media files from several input media files possible
    * several tracks of annotations (multi-track annotations) possible
    * arbitrarily high temporal resolution for annotation and media tracks
    * non-zero timbase association with media files possible
    * wall-clock time association with media files possible

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Jamie Wilkinson
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I don't know yet

RDF metadata

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