This project was created mainly to record bugs found by Linaro on ARM Fast Models.
Linaro engineers should report the bugs found on the FastModels in this LP project so we have a
record. An email should be send to esl-support at ARM dot com referencing the bug report link.
Once ARM accept the bug and create a bug/case on ARM bug tracking system, the launchpad bug should be updated with the ARM bug/case number.
The individual engineer (or a project manager ) has to track and follow up on the resolution of the bug with ARM.
View full history Series and milestones
trunk series is the current focus of development.
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #1092665: FastModels: output serial console to a log file and terminal
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Bug #1092664: FastModels: make terminal started for serial output configurable
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Bug #1039299: ModelNetworking/ corrupts routing table
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Bug #1034809: Fast Models [7.1.42 (May 25 2012)] Does not open userNetPorts while socket is in TIME_WAIT state
Reported -
Bug #1004110: fast model: usermode networking (esp NFS) stalls