Registered by Bigtux Team


Distro based on Ubuntu
The aim is to create a distribution Bigtux easier installation, or simply live-dvd distribution.
The fact that in the U.S. are very strict laws on the distribution of certain software products, even free.
Therefore, in the standard Ubuntu no codecs for mp3, xvid, etc. on the disc. And in all this Bigtux supplied on disk with the system.
Some users can not afford a fast internet connection that even a small jump in the program is difficult.
Therefore Bigtux involves more than the necessary programs in a standard pre-installed in the system Ubuntu.And Wine program that allows you to run most Windows.

That helps to attract new users to the users think that Linux.Any Ubuntu system so slow Bigtux technology enabled "Preload" and "Prelink" that speeds up library.I hope Bigtux that to someone like that.

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Bigtux Team
Bigtux Team
Creative Commons - No Rights Reserved

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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