Registered by Joseph Wakeling

The LiquidPub project proposes a paradigm shift in the way scientific knowledge is created, disseminated, evaluated and maintained. This shift is enabled by the notion of Liquid Publications, which are evolutionary, collaborative, and composable scientific contributions. Many Liquid Publication concepts are based on a parallel between scientific knowledge artifacts and software artifacts, and hence on lessons learned in (agile, collaborative, open source) software development, as well as on lessons learned from Web 2.0 in terms of collaborative evaluation of knowledge artifacts.

Project information

Other/Open Source
(Our licensing is still uncertain because this is an experimental project -- using a code hosting service to develop scientific documents. Our guarantee is that the license will be open source/open access of some sort, but we are not yet firmly decided which. Options being considered include: (i) Creative Commons - Attribution (standard Open Access publishing license) (ii) Creative Commons - Attribution Share Alike (require derivative works to be similarly open) (iii) GNU Affero GPLv3 (an intriguing possibility: the implication here is that document source and image files must be made available when the document is redistributed). Advice, thoughts and comments are welcome. Potential contributors are requested to kindly consider the above licensing options and whether they would be happy with all or any of them.)

RDF metadata

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
LaTeX, Java

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