StackLight 1.1.0

Milestone information

Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
1 Danil Akhmetov, 2 LMA-Toolchain Fuel Plugins, 5 Simon Pasquier, 3 Swann Croiset
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
1 New, 4 Confirmed, 7 Fix Committed

0 blueprints and 12 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1656759 #1656759 [doc] Remove the node clusters inference on global cluster status 1 Undecided   0 New
1664604 #1664604 aggregated AFD are sent to Nagios but not displayed 3 High Simon Pasquier  6 Confirmed
1554993 #1554993 Grafana status boxes are flapping sometimes 4 Medium LMA-Toolchain Fuel Plugins  6 Confirmed
1666805 #1666805 Kibana user should be configured with the /bin/false shell 4 Medium LMA-Toolchain Fuel Plugins  6 Confirmed
1618436 #1618436 Add 'no_data_policy' attribute to alarm definition 1 Undecided Swann Croiset  6 Confirmed
1554502 #1554502 Nova collectd plugin timeout with a lot of instances 3 High Swann Croiset  9 Fix Committed
1667356 #1667356 SSlv3 should be disabled for Grafana and Kibana 3 High Simon Pasquier  9 Fix Committed
1557455 #1557455 The Glance image count reported is inaccurate 4 Medium Swann Croiset  9 Fix Committed
1662142 #1662142 StackLight shows only projects in Default domain as collectd OpenStack plugins limited to Keystone API v2.0 4 Medium Danil Akhmetov  9 Fix Committed
1666494 #1666494 The Glance image size metric has a wrong visibility dimension 4 Medium Simon Pasquier  9 Fix Committed
1676755 #1676755 OpenStack collectd plugins crash when internalURL isn't set in the catalog 4 Medium Simon Pasquier  9 Fix Committed
1618000 #1618000 A measure http_check_check appears in InfluxDB 5 Low Simon Pasquier  9 Fix Committed
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