Registered by Martin Owens

Simple tool for use by none technical ubuntu users who want to be able to contact their local LoCo team or other support organisation and ask questions and get help with problems directly.

LoCo teams would be able to attract more conservative non technical users to try ubuntu if they can show they have a way of helping them after they have got it installed. A user who has an internet connection can connect the group of helpers using the jabber xmpp protocol and have answers and help relayed back to them.

The project is split into 3 parts, the bot (service) which mediates communication and security, the supporter tool which allows a support person to monitor and watch for new support tickets and a client tool which allows users to ask for help.

The first level of support is performed via chat instructions, the second layer is one where the client creates an ssh tunnel to the bot service machine, allowing the supporter into the client machine. There are a whole host of security issues which have been discussed and resolved, so please contact us if you'd like further information.

Project information

Martin Owens
Martin Owens

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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