Registered by Brian Fleeger

Long-Term-Vision will be a combination of new theme and user interface packages for use in the Gnome desktop environment. It has the following goals: integrate common online tools (email, social networking sites, etc) into the OS’s UI; make the PC user experience more like consumer electronics; and provide an emotionally compelling and artistic package.

LTV’s basic characteristics are all subject to change based on technical and legal possibilities. The theme and all compnents can be dealt with modularly, and technically unfeasible parts postponed, substituted, or dropped. Currently, the "vision" includes the following:
 * Task-based, tabbed main menu (inspired by Mayanna)
 * tabbed favorites launcher (inspired by Mayanna-Bar), where tabs correlate to main menu tabs
 * no bottom panel, its functions are merged into the top panel
 * desktop switcher only viewable on clicking its icon (it takes up too much space)
 * global menu for active window
 * window buttons displayed by single icons (like Netbook Remix), right to left, next to notification panel
 * circular right click menus with novel (space saving) super and sub ordinal navigation system
 * notification panel is visually distinguished from the rest of the top panel
 * tabbed Nautilus navigation (multiple locations open in a single window)
 * consistent look for system and window menus
 * new maximize, minimize, and close buttons
 * new larger "keyhole" back/forward button in nautilus (advocate use system-wide)
 * attractive open source photographic wallpapers included with the distribution, if not default
 * Brown, black, and orange semi-translucent theme tying it all together
 * New icons (a whole new icon set will have to be made for LTV, or use stock)

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