Luciole 0.8.1

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17 NicoInattendu
5 Implemented
12 Fix Released

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Total downloads: 21

Release notes 

The Luciole team is proud to announce the release 0.8.1 of Luciole.
This version is a major issue with new features and bug updates.

What's new ?
 - Luciole can now export a project to cinelerra , kdenlive and pitivi video
editing tools.
 - The CPU consumption during live acquisition was seriously reduced. So now
Luciole can run on old or small (like netbooks) machines. On project properties
a slider is now available to select the webcam framerate.
 - Compatible with more webcams and video cards
 - On the invisible side : now Luciole use gtk.builder instead of
libglade( deprecated). And new logging /debug options (-v)
 - Luciole is now available in :
    - english
    - french
    - german
    - italian
    - spanish
 - bug fix


View the full changelog

List of implemented launchpad blueprints :
libglade-to-gtkbuilder : Replace Libglade by gtk.builder
cinelerra-export : Add export to cinelerra file format
kdenlive-export : Export to Kdenlive
pitivi-export : Export to Pitivi
luciole-logging : Luciole logging feature

List of Fixed launchpad bugs :
#498619 Acquisition doesn't work on DVCAM nor WEBCAM
#500649 Excessive CPU use while capturing
#500158 Impossible to change export path
#500652 Weird Mixer behavior
#505288 Error when opening existing project
#518129 Unable to open existing project

5 blueprints and 12 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Replace Libglade by gtk.builder Replace Libglade by gtk.builder 5 Essential NicoInattendu  11 Implemented
Add export to cinelerra file format Add export to cinelerra file format 3 Medium NicoInattendu  11 Implemented
Export to Kdenlive Export to Kdenlive 3 Medium NicoInattendu  11 Implemented
Export to Pitivi Export to Pitivi 3 Medium NicoInattendu  11 Implemented
Luciole logging feature Luciole logging feature 3 Medium NicoInattendu  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
498619 #498619 Acquisition doesn't work on DVCAM nor WEBCAM 3 High NicoInattendu  10 Fix Released
498619 #498619 Acquisition doesn't work on DVCAM nor WEBCAM 3 High NicoInattendu  10 Fix Released
500649 #500649 Excessive CPU use while capturing 3 High NicoInattendu  10 Fix Released
500649 #500649 Excessive CPU use while capturing 3 High NicoInattendu  10 Fix Released
518129 #518129 Unable to open existing project 3 High NicoInattendu  10 Fix Released
518129 #518129 Unable to open existing project 3 High NicoInattendu  10 Fix Released
500158 #500158 Impossible to change export path 4 Medium NicoInattendu  10 Fix Released
500158 #500158 Impossible to change export path 4 Medium NicoInattendu  10 Fix Released
500652 #500652 Weird Mixer behavior 4 Medium NicoInattendu  10 Fix Released
500652 #500652 Weird Mixer behavior 4 Medium NicoInattendu  10 Fix Released
505288 #505288 Error when opening existing project 4 Medium NicoInattendu  10 Fix Released
505288 #505288 Error when opening existing project 4 Medium NicoInattendu  10 Fix Released
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